Incoming: actual rigged elections
Do note that elections are run at the state level - including for federal office. There are still state & local attorney generals to pursue cases, though obviously would be better to keep the federal government doing investigations too
This is also to say to make sure to vote in those local and statewide races. They are a critical path of resistance. They are still happening, and they are still winnable. Some states have elections this year, with a few states even having a couple regional / local elections this Tuesday
A week ago, Dems pull off an upset win in a deep red state senate seat in Iowa. Don’t assume your district is guaranteed to go any way
Red states will likely fuck with the blue voting block.
They already do that. Look at the gerrymandering that goes on. It’s ridiculous
Even more
That show how weak their position actually is.
Erdogan has joined the chat
(Fun fact: the EU still recognize Turkey as a full democracy)
Hell yeah! Fight to the bitter end!
This is what Lina Khan should have done.
Fucking coward for quitting her post. Biden didn’t do this with Pai and we just had to deal with him
Her post is different. The president selects from among the 5 commissioners of the FTC. There is no protection for the chair of the FTC, a selection can be made at any time. And a commissioner may be removed from the board by the President for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office.
And the law specifically says there’s no duty to appoint a replacement and remaining commissioners may keep making rulings and policies.
So there’s little chance she would remain the chair if she stayed. Furthermore with 3 Democrats on a 5 person board Trump was probably going to accuse someone of malfeasance and they would have to go to court to defend that, if the court even gives them a hearing. (The law doesn’t say the “charge” needs to be proven)
So Lina Khan, being the lightning rod, did the sensible thing. She protected herself and allowed the other two Democrats to remain on the board; because firing extra commissioners is political capital the administration doesn’t need to spend.
Fuck you’re right
Just a reminder that Executive Orders are not laws and don’t have legal repercussions for ignoring
Every employee needs to do research right now and figure out exactly who can effect their employment status. Make every attempt to subvert democracy as difficult as possible. And if you know for a fact that you’re on the way out, maybe reset some passwords or mess with permissions just to add extra work for the next people. Be a problem, but don’t commit treason.
And remember one of their defining features is incompetence. These aren’t technical masterminds, they’re relying on the people they purge to dutifully help set things up for them on the way out. The Musk Youth aren’t in that job because they’re peak performance wunderkinds, they’re there because they’re the right mix of impressionable and sycophantic. No one hires a 19 year old for an important job if they have other options.
Well, everyone that’s put up a similar stance has been physically removed from their offices and had their access to resources required to do their jobs revoked.
What’s gonna make this one any different?
Don’t get me wrong, I support it; I just don’t expect it to be effective.
Then don’t make it easy for them. Make them have to take the time to revoke everything rather than just letting them go on to the next person
Resistance doesn’t mean winning every fight, but to delay, delay, delay everywhere you can. The more time they have to spend putting up with you is less time they can spend messing with other people who can fight back during that whole time
Fair enough.
I’m not saying she or others should lay down and let it happen; I’m mostly just wondering what’s different about this situation. She hasn’t been marched out yet (presumably). How come?
“No, make me.”
Because it’s still fighting back. They automatically win when you just give up.
Again; I support it, I’m just not expecting much.
It doesn’t seem like she’s been frog marched out of the building, yet. How come, what’s different here? Public perception? Physical resistance from others? Something else?
Clearly she’s doing something right; I just wonder what’s protecting her.
I think someone needs to call France and have them come pick up the Statue of Liberty because we are no longer the land of the free. Something as dumb as that, speaks volumes to the pride of the people who make their kids pledge daily to a land they swore was free but the executive branch is actively not executing the laws created by the legislature (our representatives). Meaning we are a dictatorship, and not free at all. Liberty is dead
Edit: fixed it for us
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Dictatorship for which it stands, one Nation Sundered and Forced under God, indivisible, without liberty nor justice for all.”
Coward says what now.
Do you have an example? From where I am, I don’t see too much resistance (apart from the FBI agents suing the DOJ).
The directors and pretty much all of the security team at the Office of Personal Management come to mind.
Oh my god I love that picture. So perfect hahaha