How many wiretaps do you have in your home?

    9 months ago

    People in the 80’s: Some day an AI will take over the world.
    People today: YO CHAT GPT, Write a song about hamsters robbing a bank!

      9 months ago

      (Verse 1) In the underground, where the tunnels run deep, There’s a crew of hamsters, they don’t get no sleep. With their tiny masks and their paws so sly, They’re plottin’ a heist, gonna reach for the sky.

      (Chorus) Hamster heist, in the dead of the night, They’re rollin’ on wheels, gonna steal out of sight. Little furball bandits, ain’t no one suspect, In this phonk song, their caper’s perfect.

      (Verse 2) They scoped out the bank, made a plan so cool, Hamster in the getaway car, he’s the wheelman, no fool. The vault’s their target, full of sunflower seeds, These rodents mean business, fulfillin’ their needs.

      (Chorus) Hamster heist, in the dead of the night, They’re rollin’ on wheels, gonna steal out of sight. Little furball bandits, ain’t no one suspect, In this phonk song, their caper’s perfect.

      (Bridge) They scurry and scamper, through vents they’ll explore, In the dark of the bank, they’re gonna score. With their pockets full of loot, they’ll make their escape, These hamster outlaws, there’s no time to wait.

      (Verse 3) But the bank’s alarm starts to ring out so loud, And the security guards, they’re joinin’ the crowd. The hamsters keep movin’, they won’t back down, They’ve come too far now, they’ll own this town.

      (Chorus) Hamster heist, in the dead of the night, They’re rollin’ on wheels, gonna steal out of sight. Little furball bandits, ain’t no one suspect, In this phonk song, their caper’s perfect.

      (Outro) In the end, they made it away with the dough, Through tunnels and alleys, they continue to go. Those hamster bandits, the legends they’ll be, In the annals of rodent crime history.

        9 months ago

        For some reason I read it with that agressive shouting gangster rap voice and it was awsome. Tho chat gpt mostly pumps out mid content. Just reminds you how important is the creative factor that often lack in these generative contents.

              9 months ago

              It also rhymes words that have similar alphabetical structure, but poor phonetic similarity.

              Like suspect and perfect.

              9 months ago

              When ChatGPT was newer I saw a lot of posts about raps made by it, there were always this same flow. I tried to get it to make decent rhymes, but it cannot get out of the most cheesy typical rhyme scheme possible. This was 3.5, maybe 4 or other models are better. I found I could make interesting lines if I said something like “write a paragraph with as many words that rhyme with ‘taken’ as possible”, and then you could do that with a few rhymes and twist those around to make an interesting verse.

              • ℛ𝒶𝓋ℯ𝓃
                9 months ago

                If you give it a different form to follow (iambic pentameter, sonnet, etc.) it kind of works. I’ve only tested it with poetry. I’ve gotten responses technically comparable to a human, but even eliminating the “nonsense” words it throws in, it still has no artistic soul… The closest I’ve gotten to art was specifying “in the style of Edgar Allan Poe”, but it was only good because it copied a few of his poems verbatim…

                  9 months ago

                  That’s true about ‘in the style of’, I did get some interesting responses when I said in the style of Allen Ginsberg, but it would just rip lines straight from him at times. As someone who enjoys creative writing I don’t see a necessarily beneficial use for AI to be extremely capable at creating poetry haha but I am interested in the mechanics of it and how it could be improved.

    9 months ago

    edit: added snowden videos.

    We carry devices that have multiple mics/GPS/video with the possibility of recording us at any time.

    Our phones are the main way I think we are tracked.

    Edward Snowden: “You Don’t Realise THESE APPS Are SPYING On You!” [April 28, 2021]

    “I Remove This Mysterious Tiny Chip Before Using The Phone!” Edward Snowden [BrainStation, March 11, 2021]

    ‘State of Surveillance’ with Edward Snowden and Shane Smith (VICE on HBO: Season 4, Episode 13) [June 8, 2016]

      9 months ago

      TBH pancakes are such a delicate mix to make that you should just use a premade dry mix from the store. I’m not confident with my own recipe.

      Otherwise you could wing it with a shortbread recipe and fry it in butter, might turn out okay.

      I’ve been using imperial measurements for like a lifetime so sorry for that, but I’ll try to limit it to cups and oz so if you have a measuring cup that should be all that you need.

      • White Flour (Recommended that you sift it or pass it through a fine mesh/grate. You can always sift it after you measure and as you pour it into the bowl) - 2 cup
      • Room Temp Butter (unsalted) - 2 Oz
      • Soybean Oil (Vegetable Oil or other Oil, but NOT olive) - 2 Oz
      • Sugar - 1/2 cup
      • Salt - palm of your hand full or less, this is for taste don’t skip it but use less if your butter was salted
      • Baking Powder - 1/8th Oz (You can fudge this amount a bit and be just fine, but if you go too far over you will taste it. It’s about 2 Tsp)
      • Baking Soda - 1/8th Oz (Same as above, maybe use even less. If you left your Soda as an open box in the Fridge then it’s probably accumulated a bad taste by now)

      Powder Puffs and Soda Spreads, so if you want taller pancakes you can skew the ratio of powder:soda but try to keep it around 4 or 4 1/2 Tsp total for the two of them.

      • 1 Jumbo Room Temp Egg, or 2 of any other size
      • Vanilla Extract - if it came in a little bottle then fill the cap of the bottle over the sink and add about 1 or 3 of those
      • Room temp Water as needed - Add a little bit at a time and beat the mix with gusto. With Gusto. Until it becomes fine and smooth of one consistency and moves easily from side to side as a liquid should. The longer you mix the more opportunity the baking powder and soda have to dissolve and help the cakes rise in the pan.

      When cooking, keep the heat on medium or medium-high and oil the pan with pan spray or oil-based butter replacement for best results, if you use only butter it will turn dark before you finish cooking them all because butter has a lower smoke temp. You could always use a thin coating of 92deg coconut oil and then butter the cakes after they’re cooked but that’s a hassle.

      Should make about 8 to 32 pancakes depending on size.

      Alternative Recipe:

      You can replace the water and either the oil or butter with milk or buttermilk if you prefer the authentic buttermilk pancake taste, but it won’t make much of a difference. Sometimes I like to use Powdered Milk in my recipe, if you remove about an Oz of flour and add back 2 Oz of Powdered Milk it should add a nice flavor without changing the consistency much.