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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023

  • I haven’t seen the original yet but the DS9 version of that episode was great, I was impressed they even used old style lenses and film to recreate the style of the 60s episode. It also made me realize “huh, William Shatner is kinda hot isn’t he?” Ahah. I’ll watch the original series eventually, I have a lot to catch up on lol.

  • There’s a Star Trek ds9 episode where a non-human alien gets sent back in time to 1947. They discover on their sensors the radiation from the continual nuclear bomb tests and are horrified that the humans would irradiate their own planet. I just recently became a ‘trekkie’ and I get it, it really has some of the best themes and plots in sci-fi

  • From the former perspective, this already is a antisemitic argument because it delegitimizes the existence of a safe space for Jews.

    I thought more about this idea, and I agree that Jewish people are historically extremely persecuted such that they probably should have an independent nation as a safe space. But why does it have to be at the cost of so many lives and peoples homes? Massacre and displacement of Arab people is not a good way to create a safe haven for Jewish people, and having it continue for decades certainly increases antisemitism, in turn making Jewish people less safe.

  • I agree we need to be careful that we don’t enable the sort of mass murder of Jews that has happened throughout history, being from Germany I’m sure you are especially careful to ensure something like the Holocaust doesn’t happen again.

    I don’t agree that calling Israel a colony is antisemitic, it was formed as and still operates as a settler-colony. This conflict isn’t black and white, but in war there is nearly always an aggressor against the other, the culpability is rarely even. Israel, the aggressor, with support from untouchably powerful militaries, and the victim, Palestine, whose homeland was forcibly taken by said militaries.

    I don’t see the de-legitimization of the state of Israel as antisemitic because the state is not legitimate by any recognized standard, and continues seizing territory in opposition to international treaties, annexing Palestinian land even in the last few weeks. I’m sure antisemitic people could use the BDS movement to mask their true views but I haven’t seen that connection in the US. There are plenty of Jewish people in the US who call for boycotting Israel and giving Palestine full self-determination.

  • The conditions that led to them attacking on the 7th are very different than what they would be if Palestine had proper self-determination. But true, it will take a while to heal divisions.

    People don’t want endless violence, there have been many periods where Jewish and Arab people lived together peacefully. I agree though, a process like this would probably need third-party peacekeepers, an independent coalition could form to help protect people in the region and prevent terrorism, like the groups of states in the region that have come together to fight ISIS.

  • You’d be surprised to learn there is more than Hamas in Palestine, and the majority of people there just want their families to be able to return and have their land back that was stolen by western imperial powers, and then further taken by Israel over time. Getting rid of the Israeli state wouldn’t have to mean kicking out everyone or a genocide of the Jews there. I don’t disagree there is a lot of antisemitism in the Arab world and everywhere, it’s possible to protect the lives of Jews and Arabs in the region though.