Huh, who woulda thunk this would happen?
This website is super fishy. Misspelled title and reeks of AI.
That’s not suspicious at all.
But the story is real minus no mention of him being a Trump voter (thx @[email protected]):
I just wouldn’t trust Law & Society implicitly, even though they referenced a real story here.
Thanks for the real link! It sounded plausible, but you can never be too careful.
As someone else pointed out and I didn’t even catch, original article doesn’t say he was a Trump voter.
His quote suggests that he’s dumb enough to think, asking Trump to let his specific wife stay because their anniversary is coming up, might work though.
Pretty fucking dumb either way, but at least he was smart enough not to be named.
Original Article:
This site is weirdly shady?
But the original article doesn’t appear to suggest that the man voted for trump though.
And that’s why the Law & Society site exists, I guess.
I’m not seeing anything solid that confirms the guy voted for little t, the article just claims it.
I have little sympathy for people who voted for Trump and suffer the consequences.
It’s not like they weren’t warned. More importantly, the man they voted for, and the things that man did and said that they agreed enough with to give him their vote, were unacceptable under any circumstances.
So, sorry to be blunt but… fuck you.
I do feel for the man’s wife though.
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I don’t know if you’ve watched the video, but the guy isn’t exactly Nobel Prize material. I wouldn’t be surprised if his wife had better keep her trap shut or else - possibly all the more so because her getting her citizenship probably depended on her staying hitched to her dumbass husband.
But I don’t know anything about the lady’s circumstances really. All I know is, I doubt very much she wanted her husband to vote for a guy threatening to deport people like her.
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The leopards are gonna get fat from all the face-eating.
Lmao. Fuck this guy.
Bloop indeed.
It’s not like it was one of the major headline issues he was running on. No wait, it was.
I wonder how many stories just like this we are not hearing.
It’s bad enough to support donvict because you have some kind of zeal for harming other people you don’t care about and only know of in kind of an abstract way (like some trans athlete several states away), but if you voted for him knowing those you love are going to be in jeopardy because of the EXPLICIT PLANS that donvict said he had, you are a special kind of idiot.
When the Tone Police were lecturing people about how UNCIVIL it was to cut people out of your lives (including lifelong friends and close family like children or parents or siblings) because they voted for things that those people KNEW would harm you, it was truly a jaw-dropping thing. Knowing you are voting to harm someone, and then making pleas about how it’s “just politics, let’s all get along here” or “I put up with Biden and I didn’t cut YOU off” is just so beyond the pale…and the fucking gaslighting Tone Police are even worse in what they are doing - trying to shame people who are now in fear for their lives for being just done with the people in their own lives that knowingly voted for that.
But that’s what the Tone Police are known for - being completely tone deaf.
Something something something leopards eating faces
These leopards are an invasive species!
during the days of Stalin in communist Russia, one of the most popular proverbs was “Comrade Stalin, there has been a terrible mistake!”
It’s a mock quote by people being rounded off to the gulag (the Russian concentration camps) who considered themselves patriots, true worshippers of Dear Leader, who engaged in snitching against their neighbors, personal rivals and even family members to see them taken away to concentration camps, while being certain that this behavior will earn them the state’s loyalty and safeguard them against repressions. When the Black Mariahs came for them (called Black Crows in Russia), they would often be heard crying out “Dear comrade Stalin, there has been a terrible mistake!”
As the Joker says, “You get what you fuckin’ deserve.”
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