A Florida area known for being a "hotbed of Trump support" is reportedly seeing a bump in enthusiasm for Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday.
As Trump and Harris gear up to face one another in November's election, each candidate has made an effort to make inroads on the territories typicall...
Impossible I’ve been told Joe Biden was the most popular candidate ever and Dems would 100% lose without him.
Next you’re going to tell me that not supporting Genocide would earn her even more votes.
I must admit that I got scared when Biden noped out of the re-election.
I’m just glad that Kamala seems to be bringing the unification the dems need.
Get her the nomination already! And people, people, people, don’t do a Hillary and become complacent. Get out and VOTE!
Not a single person voting Democrat does so because they thought Biden was a great candidate.
It appears nobody has learned anything from Hillary’s loss in 2016.
Establishment ghouls are not popular Democrats. Conservatives will vote Republican anways, appeasing to the right is worthless.
Only progressives get independents to vote blue.
Tell me you’re unaware of his achievements as president without telling me…
Propagandists are fully aware, and choose to ignore said achievements as it fucks up their narrative.
I am aware Joe Biden is complicit in Genocide and performed like a senile geriatric on CNN.
Tell me you don’t live in America without telling me.
I understand it’s hard to see a whole picture when onde side of a single issue occupies 100% of your brain capacity
Some people find it a little hard to ignore Genocide. Good to see the average Democrat has no issue with it and willingly admits it.
The same logic and reasoning as conservative single issue anti-choice voters, it’s good that America is healing its divides.
Comparing the need to Genocide brown children to need for abortion is a new low. Blue MAGA in full force.
Who are you to call someone out on not living in America? lol
So you don’t live in America.
I’ve never been disingenuous about where I live. MI my whole life except 5 years in VA. Those are states, in case you’re not familiar with them.
How am I supposed to believe you if you dont post your social security number?
This is where you lost me. As if boomer Democrats are not a thing. But let’s keep on reading…
Lost me again. I don’t know why people keep forgetting about 2020.
deleted by creator
Were it not for Israel, I’d be telling you about how great Biden has been domestically (except the boarder). His administration has by and large been very progressive with the policies it’s enacted. Biden’s abhorrent sucking up to Israel during an active genocide is the huge dark spot on his presidency.
It is a bit dumb that “he’s too old” is what got him out.
Hm, no. Neither of those arguments got him out.
“I’ll tax the billionaires” got him out.
Unless he did some 4D chess with the whole bowing out after the RNC.
Nah, he turned deeply unpopular right after the debate with trump. He was hemorrhaging in the polls. His backers abandoned him because they feared trump winning. Several polls about biden dropping out had something like 75% of democrats wanting him to drop.
Kamala has ran to the left of biden on a number of issues. If this were a “billionares fear taxes” situation she wouldn’t have been the replacement. There are some rumors that establishment dems didn’t want Kamala to be the pick because of her policies.
Good info. Thanks.
You’re correct in your last sentence. In many communities, everyone thought that everyone was voting for Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Biden won marginally because he was marginally better than Hillary and was the Obama guy.
Bernie would have won by a landslide.
That’s a hell of a prediction for someone not even from the US.
deleted by creator
Is it? Do you presume I was ever pro-Hillary? You’d be wrong.
Sorry, man. Honestly, I commented because I thought I was replying to the troll. I deleted my comment because that’s not an argument I want to pursue anyway.
It’s not wrong. Free healthcare is a hell of a selling point.
Having healthcare (or saving $5,000 if you’re lucky enough already be paying for health insurance), every year would have gotten every single millennial and gen-z to the polls.
Dems would have a 1-party state if they threw in housing too.
Don’t move the goalpost. Are you an AI bot?
I would rather say appeasing to right wing voters with right wing rethoric is worthless.
Anybody that feared Biden dropping out needs to re-evaluate the way they look at politics. This has been a long time coming, and has been an inevitability since 2015 when Democrat party leadership decided they could pull a fast one during the primary. Before we even knew Biden would be that incumbent, the shape of this election had already been decided.
Now that Biden has dropped out, the Democrats have a chance. A lot of future history depends on how well Harris can turn the support for “Literally anyone else” to her advantage.
Edit: I seem to be getting a lot of downvotes for my objectively correct assessments of politics. Seems to me like y’all are either mad that I was right, or Republicans who are mad that Biden dropped out.
In what way?
I don’t know. It’s been pretty clear for a while that the traditional Democrat strategy of winning by courting centrists and staying the course has been less and less effective every election. Tapping into enthusiasm for leftist policies and energizing the base to increase turnout has seemed like the better move for a while. That’s what Obama won big on and then completely failed to deliver.
Staying the course with the “nothing will fundamentally change” candidate was always a path to losing, and after his disastrous policy on Gaza we were in a nosedive.
Leftism isn’t a real thing. It’s just a feeling.
In a political campaign always want to offer an optimistic future. As we’ve seen with Biden, it doesn’t really matter if he makes the most pro-union policies in history, join picket lines, protect social programs, and only fail to increase minimum wage because his party didn’t have enough votes. “Leftists” don’t care about policies, it’s entirely an emotional thing.
It’s easy enough to understand. The leftists that voted for Obama became more centrist as they got older. The leftists of today are young people who only know about Obama from wikipedia and what they’re told by politcal grifters on youtube and tiktok. Being young they’re emotional and low information voters.
Harris offers the same “Hope & Change” feelings that Obama did. Which policies get implemented will be dependent (as always) on which party controls Congress. By the end of her first term hopefully enough of the low information emotional young voters will have more information and be a little more capable of critical thinking to vote for her again.
Also Gaza has nothing to do with leftism, it’s actually a war between a democracy (Israel) and a fascist regime (Hamas). It just feels leftist LOL.
Bro, Imma stop you right there. The GOP shut down the government under Obama TWICE for no reason other than being the little shits that they are and don’t hide nowadays. So, don’t drive this “Obama did nothing” nonsense narrative. Also, ACA. Even the Republicans benefit from it right now.
Now moving on, I still don’t see what is there to re-evaluate for the people who feared that Biden dropped out. Hindsight is 20/20, and it’s very easy to say “ha, you were wrong!” after the fact.
Obama didn’t do nothing, he bombed like 9 countries and bailed out the banks after they halved black wealth.
I can’t say whether the ACA was better than nothing because I still can’t afford healthcare.
Which state do you live in?
And are you working at the moment?
Currently in SC and between jobs, but before I got laid off, I stopped putting money into the HSA and using any kind of healthcare after I saw how much doctors visits, dental, and routine blood work drained it.
I’d been getting shit on for years for trying to tell people Biden would have to drop out to give the Democrats a chance this election. Lo and behold, once he finally does, Democrats are suddenly on track to win.
Everyone who didn’t understand that this was going to be the case had their heads buried too deep in the sand to hear any of the legitimate, well intentioned criticism of their preferred candidate or the arguments for why switching would be a good thing. Such folks who accused me of being a Republican or a Russian bot when I was actually right cannot be trusted to perform political analysis.
You still haven’t said in what way people who feared Biden dropping out need to re-evaluate the way they look at politics.
They were afraid of a thing that would significantly improve their electoral chances because they were too wrapped up in their support for a presumed nominee to put their biases aside and consider the benefits of switching to another candidate.
Your sentence comes down to: “Their biases made them afraid of considering better options.”
Specifically what biases are you talking about?
Anchoring Bias, Salience Bias, Normalcy Bias, Confirmation Bias, Semmelweis Reflex, Egocentric Bias Blind Spot, False Consensus Effect, Illusion of Control, Illusion of Validity, Naive Realism, the Overconfidence Effect, Zero-Risk Bias, Neglect of Probability, Sunk Cost Fallacy, Plan Continuation Bias, Ambiguity Effect, Loss Aversion, Status Quo Bias, System Justification Bias, and the Dunning-Kruger Effect, among others.
I’m not sure that anyone claimed Biden was the most popular demograt candidate ever, it’s more that he was the safe choice, and dems have always played it safe…at least until this week where they’ve finally taken a chance on something.
Same here. When your choice is between boring, middle of the road corporatists and 100% concentrated evil, it shouldn’t be a tough choice to make.
That doesn’t mean I’m a fan of Democrats, though. In fact, I farking HATE having to vote Democrat. I’ve hated it for the last 20 years. But I hate the Judge Dredd universe the Republicans want even more. Check out Project 2025. They’re not even trying to be subtle about what they want, anymore.
Also since the Trump campaign claims not to have anything to do with P-2025,
Biden was not safe his polling looked horrible even before he turned out to be a walking skeleton.
Biden was poised to lose almost all swing states to Trump in the polls. Even deep blue states suddenly turned into battlegrounds because he wants to support Genocide so badly.
There was nothing safe about Joe Biden unless Democrats think that him winning a 1/1 elections means he has an 100% win rate indefinitely.
You’re literally arguing that Joe Biden (who is doing that he can to negotiate a cease fire) would lose to Donald Trump because voters felt Trump would care more about Palestinians than Biden?
Not everything is about Gaza you know.
Try to do some level of critical thinking, lest you become a single issue voter and easily manipulated into a future MAGA (fascist) movement.
What is Joe Biden to negotiate a ceasefire? Send bombs for israel to throw on schools? Cover for their Genocide diplomatically?
“Opposing Israel is political suicide!” — Lemmy literally a week before the presumptive nominee told Netanyahu that the war needs to end.
Ah yes, Lemmy the monolith. Lemmy the single person with a single thought. Nevermind that there are many Lemmy instances with very different user bases.
And we’ve each got one upvote, making it possible to gage the overall popularity of ideas.
Must’ve missed that quote in among the endless stream of insane “Genocide Joe” posts on here.
.world was saying “better things aren’t possible, not supporting genocide is actually a really complicated and nuanced matter”, .ml was saying “People aren’t voting for genocide joe”.