Pro tip, if this happens to you split your tickets up into smaller chunks! It has two effects:
One is that you will see progress from one sprint to the next, even if it’s 1 story point at a time.
It also has a psychological effect! If you’re like me you will avoid the huge, nebulous tasks. But if it’s something manageable with a defined start and end, you will do it. You could probably even schedule it.
Looks like iterative waterfall
Fuck scrum
If there is so few people that get it right, maybe the problem is that the system is not adapted for the vast majority of people and the reality of the work life, and other options should be explored.
But there is always someone claiming that everyone else get it wrong and blablabla.
But someone with a MBA in a closed office is pushing that shit all the time, and everyone that has to use it roll their eyes because they know damn well that the only thing that will matter is those damn story points, and the people will game the system because that’s all that matters to those that don’t use the system, and you will hear about that other team that always finish the tasks in their sprint.
I’m starting to think the way to go isn’t set stories in the sprint at all. There’s a refined backlog in priority order. You grab one, do it, grab the next. At the end of the two week period, you can still have a retro to see how the team is doing, but don’t worry about rollover.
Alternatively, don’t think of Agile as a set instruction manual, but rather a group of suggestions. Have problem X? Solution Y worked for many teams, so try that.
You basically just described kanban.
Ah yes. Life before Agile was wonderful.
This is what I always say. Put the tickets in order and we’ll do them.
Management always pushes back.
Ancient developer here / not really a coder, but what the hell is “Agile” software development?
Is it some kind of pseudonym for pushing buggy, untested code to a production server or something?
Like a speed run category for software development?