So it’s obvious why it crossed the frictionless road. It’s not like it could change it’s mind on the middle.
The road being frictionless is irrelevant unless it’s also in a vacuum.
Chickens are not very good fliers, sure, but even this spherical chicken could probably manage a short flight to whichever side of the road it pleased.
If we assume the ground is frictionless, I’d assume we’re assuming no air resistance, just to make it easy
Air resistance would make flight harder, though, not easier, wouldn’t it…?
As I understand it wings work by Bernoulli’s principle, which is an air pressure / conservation of energy thing, so it should still work in a frictionless atmosphere…
Then again, we’re talking chickens here (and spherical ones at that), which aren’t particularly renowned for their aerodynamics and wing efficiency, so maybe they would need to be able to push on the air to generate lift…
But if we neglect gravity then chicken can jump indefenitely right? Just to make things simple…
Girl’s literally V = ⁴/₃πr³
Borb (not mine)
Wow, my physics teacher was right!! You really can assume a chicken is a perfect sphere!! Now is easier to calculate volume assuming pi is 5.78.
Chicken pot pi
No wonder they were Angry Birds.
If that is real, it is in pain. Overfed chickens typically spend the last ~month of their life in pain. I love chicken, but what we have done to get bigger yields is pretty gross.
It’s looks photoshopped, but the original was probably mid fluffing themselves up. They can get pretty round after they get up and shake the dust out of themselves.
They die anyways. It doesn’t matter
So do you
That’s a rather nihilistic outlook. Although, i don’t hate it
Assume spherical chicken
That’s a butter ball
She needs heat she’s cold 🥶🔴🐔
I guess the chicken and egg may have appeared at the same time.
Honest McDonald’s ad in so many ways… Mutated chickens and fat customers.
The body is round, the short legs aren’t made for distance.