It’s time to talk about something Star Wars has been avoiding for some time: recasting its original trilogy characters. There have long been calls for the likes of Luke Skywalker to be portrayed by new actors (Sebastian Stan, anyone?) but it has, by and large, been something that the franchise hasn’t needed to properly confront – until now.

    1 year ago

    I think it would be a horrible idea to butcher the canon again and reboot the whole series.
    I think the TV shows are doing fine and (would) work pretty well without the original cast. I’d probably like if they just cut the ties with the original films and just let the upcoming movies play in a future (or past) where the original cast is not necessary for (but pls leave The Old Republic alone).

      1 year ago

      I mean we do it all the time in comics, anime, and other mediums. There’s no reason Star Wars has to be a special snowflake. And let’s be honest … Lucas has good ideas but has always been bad at story. The originals only worked because his ex-wife edited it into something halfway coherent.

      But yeah, it might be worth letting the mainline series fade into the past.