• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • It was fine. I’ve seen all the shows so I get the backstory and references.

    That being said, there are just too many Star Wars and movie cliches to be bearable:

    Oh wow she cut her hair dramatically, she’s such a rebel and such a badass. (Cheap and overused character moment)

    Staring pathetically at a spaceship flying away after a lightsaber duel (has happened four thousand times in Star Wars)

    “Get ready!”

    Lightsabers are harmless

    Fixing a bomb under a ticking time clock (false peril)

    Ancient artifact leads to the location of a place or character in the present (another cliche and cheap writing)

    Another star map mcguffin (overused cliche)

  • Some people just don’t have any interest in it, it’s okay. You can’t force her to do anything and if it’s not something she decides she wants to do then she straight up won’t enjoy it.

    I have however showed it to people who have never seen it and got great enjoyment watching their preconceived notions melt away right before my eyes, and by the trench run they’re on the edge of their seat. Then it’s really fun to answer their question at the end because I’m known as the “expert” lol

  • I agree with you quite a bit. I just don’t think Cassian is very interesting, nothing against Diego at all it’s just that he’s pretty flat and colorless. They certainly needed some comic relief, maybe not jokey like K but at least a little bit more color. There were some great moments but towards the end I was getting totally sick of all the under the breath scheming, descriptions of past events that we never really saw, and pretty much all the Kenari shit I just didn’t care about.