Because efficiency is leaving a $10b telescope floating in space like a piece of junk.
Efficiency is when the government abandons all its investments, lets everything fall apart, and drives all scientists to take jobs abroad before the next uncontrolled pandemic paralyzes the country.
It’s going to be measles or some other preventable disease
It’ll most likely be avian flu, which is pretty bad. The Trump people are trying to ban MRNA vaccines and cut the vaccine research that might have helped with it.
Then its war with Canada to distract from the disease and to take their resources. #IWantOffThisRide
Every day these people find a new way for me to hate them with a fucking burning passion.
Elon is probably mad it launched on an Ariane 5 and it went so perfectly, we’ll get an extra decade of science out of it.
The Ariane 5 really was a reliable rocket. It had some failures early on, like basically all rockets, but then it had 82 successful launches in a row and then one partial failure before having another long perfect streak.
Obviously, more expensive than modern reusable rockets but JWST was important enough of a payload, that I’m glad NASA/ESA chose Ariane. (Plus, given JWST’s delays, I imagine when that decision was made, SpaceX was still iterating and having occasional explosions.)
We should sell to SpaceX for cheap since NASA can’t do anything right!
Did not they do this with space lunch too lol
Gut it from the inside, then provide tech and talent to a corpo who then charges you for the services you knew how to do in house…
I have no idea why you got downvoted for pointing out the obvious scam. I guess the sarcasm didn’t translate well.
Fermi-MAGA-ParadoxSpace X is going to steal the 20% (probably more).