The Democrats seem to have come up with two strategies so far: either (1) wait and hope someone does something, or (2) play dead and hope someone does something.
The Democrats seem to have come up with two strategies so far: either (1) wait and hope someone does something, or (2) play dead and hope someone does something.
Canada and Europe really need to be thrashing out some deals right now.
It’s hard to fathom how deeply these people don’t care about anyone else, or anything else, but themselves.
“Efficiency” is just a word they throw in to distract. None of this is about efficiency, and everything they’re doing is the opposite of efficient.
It’s just the bad new manager who wants to “shake things up” to make their mark, without first bothering to understand how anything works. Going through life with no clue but a baseless assumption that they always know better. Except this is across the whole federal government and the new manager is a Nazi.
That doesn’t sound at all like an efficient way to go about things.
It’ll most likely be avian flu, which is pretty bad. The Trump people are trying to ban MRNA vaccines and cut the vaccine research that might have helped with it.
Efficiency is when the government abandons all its investments, lets everything fall apart, and drives all scientists to take jobs abroad before the next uncontrolled pandemic paralyzes the country.
Quick poll: how many Americans here have been terrorized by violent criminals, gang members, drug traffickers or human smugglers lately? According to the MAGA leaders it’s a huge problem, so I expect lots of people will have encountered it, right?
Ah yes, Elon Musk deciding who gets government contracts to build spaceships. Move along, no conflicts of interest to be seen here.
It should be noted that Hugenberg didn’t ever suffer any real consequences for what he did.
Also the way all the formerly “anti-Nazi” businesses just suddenly switched when it was clear where the money lay, and ended up building concentration camps and supplying the poison gas for them, all for profit. Capitalists have a sickness and nothing will stop them from pursuing more money, not even the prospect of helping murder millions of their fellow citizens.
These white supremacists are thrown into confusion whenever a white person isn’t chosen for anything at all. Which would just be pathetic, but they run the country so it’s a problem.
He should use more. Parts of his brain are still encouraging him to move around and do harmful things. He needs to be more comatose.
Their holy grail is to be able to kill you because they don’t like the look of you, and be rewarded for it.
To be fair, we haven’t met their constituents.
I think you’ve misunderstood where the person you’re talking to is coming from.
I don’t think kompromat is necessary. These are power-hungry and attention-hungry people. They’ll say and do whatever panders to the people who will pay attention to them in the moment. J K Rowling didn’t need to be blackmailed to go from saying she supported transgender rights to becoming one of the Internet’s worst purveyors of trans-hate. Many other “influencers” have gone the same route, including a few who are trans themselves. (Matt Bernstein has some good videos about these people.) Overt transphobia is a thing you can do to score cheap points with ignorant people and get attention, approval and money. There’s enough motivation there for a certain kind of character, with no need for blackmail.
It manages at once to be a kakistocracy, an oligopoly, a plutocracy and a kleptocracy - which makes sense since the very worst people are the few ultra-rich guys who scrambled to the top by stealing from everyone else.
Here’s the list of words that will now get your scientific publication flagged for ideological review:
The List of Trump’s Forbidden Words That Will Get Your Paper Flagged at NSF
Ah there goes another thing that distinguished the USA from China and Russia.