Krugman has this to say about it:
For those not familiar with how financial markets work, US Treasuries are the ultimate safe asset, used as collateral for everything. Even a hint that some Treasuries might not be honored could bring everything to a screeching halt
Musk and Trump are both in the habit of stiffing people they owe money. If markets even suspect that this habit will extend to Treasuries, God help us
Why would he even say this? Usually there’s a pretty clear motivation to his lies but this one just seems suicidal
At this point I’m pretty sure destroying the country is the point. I would not be the slightest bit surprised to hear he has muskrat whispering in his ear about buying literally everything after the collapse.
Wouldn’t completely destroying the economy make their billions near worthless as well?
They’re high on their own supply. A lot of these techbros seriously believe they’ll be new monarchs after societal collapse.
Depends on how much money they have in assets other than $USD.
No, it’s just converting money into power. Same thing they’ve been doing for years
“I have reduced the US’s debt by X” claims are one potential option. It could also be any other number of things.
It’s yet another barganing chip he is trying to create. Somebody with these things doesn’t do what he wants, he just declares the ones they have are fake. Person, country… as others have pointed out, this will tank the value of them as well, and probably trigger inflation. Both of which in a way reduce the federal debt so he can claim he did that. It just also causes a lot of much bigger issues.