Ironic and hilarious

    2 months ago

    Yeah, its a nothing burger before it ever started and pod-saved were doofusses for even suggesting this was something to wring hands about, but I guess you gotta get clicks or something.

    Even if they this was something to worry about, what would the consequences be?

    All the money goes into a PAC and now EVERYONE who was already at their limit for campaign finance can donate AGAIN?

    You just doubled Harris’s fundraising potential. Pod saved have interesting credentials, but that doesn’t mean they know what they are talking about.

        2 months ago

        Throw away comment for a throw away perspective.

        If you were calling Biden as a bad candidate/ not being the candidate a 10 months ago, your opinion carry weight (modifier 1).

        If you were making that call 5 months ago, you get a 0.5 modifier.

        If you didn’t figure this shit out till the debate, you get a zero modifer to your opinion: in other words, we should ignore you.

        If you still carried on past the debate. Bruh.

        Pod saved is that nice, safe for white people, boilled over neo-liberalism of the Obama years. It you feel like they are in charge but still hip enough to be cool. They were months late in getting this right. The eventually got it right, but like, way fucking late.

        0.15 modifier.