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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Posts must be relevant to operating systems running the Linux kernel. GNU/Linux or otherwise. No misinformation No NSFW content No hate speech, bigotry, etc

    In my defence i did check the rules if Memes where allowed!

    Posts must be relevant to operating systems running the Linux kernel. GNU/Linux or otherwise.
    No misinformation
    No NSFW content
    No hate speech, bigotry, etc

  • My suggestion is for her to look deeper then that.

    I ll provide some examples. Of course take in mind i am an adult dad myself so my sense of responsibility and experience with autism is not the same as an 8yo child. Many of the examples have gotten me to “meltdown” though. And of course these examples are personale to me and may not apply to your daughter.

    Chores: i am holding something i need to trow in the trash but the trashcan is full.

    a robust structure to make sure the trashcans are emptied on a schedule goes a long way in avoiding this

    I am sweeping but there are items on the floor.

    first check the floor and remove any obstacles may sound so normal it feels silly now but i was already an adult when i learned this and it felt like a magic.

    I find myself in need of tool x to do my choir but i cant find it.

    collect all required tools and items before proceeding

    I neglected to clean the house for to long, the clutter creates massive visual overstimulation. I cant find my cleaning tools between the clutter. I cant remove obstacles from the floor because there is no space left to put them. My mind tells me to just kick and trow everything I perceive as being in my way and just writing this passage in text gives me ptsd flashbacks.

    STOP do something else in a sensory calm area. Then ask someone for help to create a centralized empty spot, use this spot like a food plate. Only put on the plate what you can handle. Take more if the plate is empty.

    Discipline is more on you then her. Make sure to prioritize the goal, which is to learn from mistakes. Don’t fall into the hole of using the same discipline that works for others. Some people respond well to punishments. I did not, they just made me resent authority. Often i did not understand what i should have done instead or i made an honest mistake. I fared much better with a clear understanding of what exactly happend.

    Which brings me to social misunderstandings. I have fought my wife over terminology. I draw a hardline between accidentally causing an accident. And being at fault for something. Simply hearing that someone is at fault when it was a non intentional mistake deeply infuriates me to this day. However mature discussing this with my wife revealed my stance really isn’t all that different from the rest of society. I still believe feeling of guilt and trying to fix damage is in order if ypu make a mistske. Its specifically the words “at fault” or “x hurt y” which my mind perceives as “with intend” I cant really know with her brother but it could be their fights are about similar misunderstanding of some words. It does strike me as an area of opportunity to learn if talking to one person causes a meltdown and another does not.

    Some final general advice. Being too overstimulated is almost always a good reason to stop doing something. Pushing yourself to far this way can create dangerous situation and routinely being overstimulated will create a habit of avoidance. Always have a backup space that is low sensory to retreat to. Its much easier to proceed when your head is calm and clear and often the fresh energy will more then make up for lost time.

    Good luck, both for your daughter aswell as you her parent. It will often not be easy for either of you. But over time, the gained experience and mutual understanding not only will make things easier but will create opportunities to cultivate her mind to achieve things no neurotypical ever could.

  • My advise is to try to really understand the details in what causes the trigger. Not just on how it appears on a neurotypical surface level.

    Think of it as trying to understand game mechanics.

    In the case of social misunderstanding, is it:

    • certain topics
    • a specific word
    • the tone
    • the feeling of being misunderstood
    • the sensation of certain emotions
    • lingering emotions/feelings that where already present.

    Also play close attention to different behavior when facing similar triggers, they can tell a lot about the root issue.

    • Does it happen more frequently after school, in weekends, in public.
    • What other sensory stimulation are around (tv, tl lights, itching clothing.)

    Are there situations where the trigger is present but she does manage. Ask yourself questions why can she/i manage now but not other times.

    Once you truly really understand what makes you tik (this can take years as things can have many layers) it becomes much easier to navigate and rationalize your life.

  • I relate to this so much.

    I had a similar experience with stimulates, first they worked really well (to get my grades up) but then they started to work less and less. They gladfully never upped the dose but the reason for this was that a low dose gave me to much side effects already. Complete loss of appetite, even less interests in socializing and eventually suicidal thoughts (yes thats a real side effect of some). Eventually i completely disconnected with who i really was a person and became completely apathetic to life itself. It fucked me up so bad it still effected me years after.

    But the comic still massively connects to me. Just not about stimulants (which was more like ride on the dogs back and do nothing while we are training it to fit in) no, this comic absolute represents cannabinoids to me. This is the feeling the right high cbd blend can give me. Aside a reconnection to myself, increased empathy, to find joy in the things. To have a will to live.

    We are all different people with different brains and needs. Drugs are relative. Some people truly are helped with stimulants other dont. If only medical science was more focused on what improves peoples lives rather then just trying to removing a disease or symptoms.

  • This is definitely a neurodivergent trait and one of the reasons why so many self medicate with cannabis.

    THC connects to the reward center of the brain and enhances those feeling.

    It took me to trying weed as a youngadult to finally experience basic shit like feeling refreshed after a bath, accomplished after doing household tasks and even relaxed when sun bathing.

    I cant really use anymore for legal reasons but cannabis thought me that living a healthier/productive life really adds to your happiness and the experience i had with jt left a mark that helps me recognize/identify those lessened motivational feelings when i do similar things now.

  • What if they stored the literal files under the installation folder but then linked them under other folders classed as either Saves/configs/creations.

    In theory we just need to standardize those few classifications and people could decide where that type of files can be found, always under a folder of the name of the program.

    I feel with modern computing it doesn’t really make sense to only find certain files in a single location. The structure you use to create and save digital art may be wholy different from the one you use to browse/show/upload your art. I like to have all my game installations easily accessible for modding but i hate if i had to to use it to launch a game trough the exe. In a way other software may already cater to this need but its often bloated and far from standardized.

    While were at it allow people to set a display name for program what they like during installations and if i want to install sm multiple times, why not allow it. the os just remembers what there actually called if other software looks for it, in case of multiple it could ask which one to use.

    Of course i can dream what i want, creating new standards is probably one of the hardest thing to agree on and get done.

  • Not sure but it was a desktop version with a gui. This was on my dedicated server so not my main machine that i switched to arch. I’ve actually went to completely remove that ubuntu which was a mess from my own misdoings and experiments and started from scratch with the last LTS version of linux-server, fully in commandline. In less then a weekend i restored all the initial functionality, fixed the previously broken functionality and added some extra features to it. But again the moment i dont know how to do something i am skipping google straight for the AI genie.

  • Doing a quick google to find info about Platform Security Processor states that if you cant find the security processor section on the device security screen it means tpm is disabled. This does lead me to believe that disabling TPM at least disables windows acces to the security processor, windows cant directly use features i have directly disabled in the bios at least not without that acces.

    Or how far does this rabbit hole go exactly? I cant trow every windows device out il have to change job and my wife be pissed.

  • Oh I absolutely understand there are proper usecases for TPM like all our work laptops have bit locker enabled. But my personal device is a Diy desktop of Theseus that doesnt leave my house and it doesn’t really have all that much sensitive data anyway. My main issue with tracking/identifiers/telemetry is they use it to serve ads tailored to my behaviors they learned from the data they verified from me using those same identifiers. I am something of an anti-advertisement extremist for psychological reasons. There designed to get in my head and physically hurt.