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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Yeah because they are going to steal your most beloved jobs! Like cleaning and fast food cooking and everyone’s childhood career dream of being a toilet lady.

    For real though, I could at least follow the logic if it were for high paying, competitive jobs. But these aren’t the migrants you are trying to keep out, in fact it is the one every country wants to get in. So why are the migrants the problem who are going to live in relative poverty, agreeing to wage theft, agreeing to horrible living conditions? The ones who won’t hardly have enough for a pension.

    Also, there is nothing wrong with cleaning, fast food cooking, or toilet ladies. All the more power to them. It is a fucking disgrace that we regard certain unpleasant jobs (that will still need to be done) as low skill, low class, and award them with the lowest pay possible.

  • As for cards - I’ve now developed the habit of writing a text once a year and using it basically for everybody (slightly modified if necessary). Bonus points for a kid and a grown up version. Btw I also have the same standard text for weddings and funerals (these stay the same over the years). Most of my friends don’t know each other and will never find out.

    I also started to just wish very mundane things because it sounds poetic and I have wished them the same Big Things for years. No one ever congratulated me when I wished them happiness and health, but when I wish them the most colorful flowers on the roadside and warm summer rain on sun exhausted skin, and the occasional mindfulness to take the time to stop and appreciate these small moments everyone loses their shit. Sometimes something negative is also appreciated. Think you still got so many years ahead of you. Your path will in some parts be straightforward, but will make you stumble and fall in other parts. For the latter I wish you a helping hand to get up again and some colorful band aids

    As a side note, I am more proud of my sincere go to when someone dies. Especially old people. Because I always point out that they don’t need to excuse the death or downplay it because someone was old or it was predictable. Losing a person who you cared about, no matter how old or sick, is always painful and a big loss. And no matter how predictable it was, their death and your grief always end up taking you by surprise. And I wish everyone who lost someone the support necessary to have some time granted for their grief and pain. .

  • I kind of fail to see how a life in which all my basic needs are secured as long as I agree for them to be secured for everyone else, thus freeing me from anxiously giving my life to the futile attempt to crawl above others, is “altruistic”. Working your ass off for nothing but your crude survival and the benefit of a handful of others doesn’t seem very selfish if you put it in this perspective.

    In any case, whatever is going on right now - it’s… not good, to say the least. Wanting to fix the problem with the problem is horribly naive.

    Anyway, nice meme.

  • Is body dysmorphia out of someone’s control? Is mental illness? Is being raised in a toxic society and being manipulated to never feel good enough?

    You allow yourself way too much grace if you think you can judge a person’s appearance on the fact whether a person is responsible for their appearance or not. Even with plastic surgery. At some point in their lives they felt like they wanted to change something about their look. For what reasons, you don’t know. Why they went as far as they did or whether something was botched, you also don’t know. Whether they are happy or not with the results, you also don’t know.

    It’s her responsibility because she did this willingly and agreed to it is such a short sighted and black and white way of thinking. Even if she did, even if she likes the result and it is as intended, it is not your place to body shame her or anyone at all. The best case scenario is that you are just bashing someone’s aesthetic choices based on your preferences. More likely you are adding insecurity to a vulnerable person (because all of us are vulnerable if we’re being honest).

    So maybe try to be kind the next time. If you think it looks awful, keep it to yourself. We have so much negativity and judginess going around already.

  • I mean, apart from it being based on a subjective questionnaire - I see that they used t test and chi square and some of the results were significant, but when you look at the table, very often the percentages don’t vary or vary very little. Ok, a group had 14% vs 15% of a trait and the difference is significant, but when you take a step back you got to be careful with overinterpretation. To me, the table was all over the place. And to be fair, 80 ND and 250 NT aren’t exactly a huge sample size either. All in all, while an interesting paper, I think there are severe limitations to its significance and definitely needs further (and more profound) analysis.

    But my being said, I am not from psychology studies, so maybe such approaches and numbers are more common? I’m from biomedical sciences and thus this reads more like a bachelor’s thesis.

  • I just don’t want to be homeless when I am old. That’s all I want. Having food and housing. A two room apartment for me and my husband would be nice. If I can use the public transport on top of that, I’m all set. A three room apartment would be a luxury and being able to go out every once in a while would be absolutely astronomical.

    (I also want to have healthcare but I am in Germany so I got that going for me which is nice. )

  • I was thinking about not donating to charity but buying stuff directly and asking them for support to ship it. Basically that makes you buy and not gift. If you buy 1 gigaton of rice for Ethiopia (I have no clue how many people a gigaton of rice would feed and I also have no clue whether Ethiopians need any rice) from Costco, well, then you have spent the money on it. Fuck it, maybe buy a boat. A ferry to ship it all directly. Buy land and don’t gift but let workers work there. For free. For eternity. Oh you happen to pay them 50 times the average salary of their country? Well you’re probably a bad businessman but you’re not gifting. Pay the lawyers to make a bulletproof testament where you explicitly state that these poor fellas will never own the land but will for eternity be able to use it for free until the sun explodes.

    And then bribe. Bribe away the heartache, bribe away the pain. Bribe the SCOTUS to retire. Bribe Putin to stop the war and fuck off. Bribe Trump to fuck off. Bribe Musk to get a vasectomy and fuck off. I mean you’re basically just lobbying at that point but we all know that that’s bribing and not gifting.

  • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlOpportunity
    3 months ago

    It is not about being rich or super rich. It is about climbing the hierarchy being an exploitative act in itself. If you dream of creating your own business you will - you have to, basically by default - do this by exploiting other people on the way up. Your success and you becoming “mildly rich” is always built on the backs of others.

    Edit: just to be clear, I am fully aware that in the greater scheme of things, a person earning 30k or even 300k is not the enemy of someone earning 25k. Obviously we need to get rid of pervertedly excessive wealth. Having 300k-30k-25k hating on each other distracts from the bigger problem.

    But at the end of the day, and I say this with as little moral judgement as possible, as soon as one person controls another one’s salary and undercuts it for their own profit, we are in a system in which success is achieved via exploitation. And this is the case in 99.9% of work environments.