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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • My Swords of the Serpentine have become absence-cursed. We have had a few weeks now where we haven’t been able to play. Bit sad as it sucks energy and I really want to give a GUMSHOE system a good run for its money.

    The ICON game I’m in is marching slowly ahead. Emphasis slowly. We are so very new to it that combats takes just so much time. On the other hand fighting is what it has going for it. And the combat is good, really good. So not complaining too much.

    Also playing in a Burning Wheel game where things are marching on. Good group and good play but sometimes wish we would have less roleplay and more rolls to close out scenes. Next session we do start with a Duel of Wits, possibly a three way duel of wits.

  • Considering it’s the norm when you aren’t doing something genre typical to take two ir more genres and just smoish the names together. This way you get things like blackened death metal (black plus death) or epic gothic power metal (take a guess). Now smoosh those teo examples together and you get something like blackened gothic melodic death metal. See that there, now we get into the transformative properties of metal subgenres. Death metal with a bit more melody and structure, which power metal has in spades, becomes melodic death metal.

    Fun isn’t it? Also I may have bullshitted together half of the above. But it is a real thing


  • They are not to my taste, primarily they lack task resolution guidance/rules so it is all dependent on the whims of the GM. I want things like outcome options a la PbtA or task+intent negotiation from Burning Wheel in the rules. Also the systems are very sparse with character abilities, a non-magicuser in combat essentially just attacks. All in all not to my taste. To many others tastes though.

    However I get everything he publishes as the word building tools are pretty frakkin awesome. Tools for prepping equally good. His One Page (thing) collections of tables I put to really heavy use. Unlike many other tables the outcomes from his are pretty much immediately useable.

    If you have the time just get the free versions and look through them. These free versions aren’t really cut down text only versions, they are the full game. Minus some “extra” material.

  • When I ran more impromptu or loosley scheduled stuff I used a site called Doodle. I entered when I could run and potental participants could mark available etc on them. Worked well enough. Would have loved something where sessions could be suggested but that never really became an issue. You could do that with a google calendar. Someone adds a potential session, sends invites to everyone who then can mark their availability. Should work. You could also look into workplace meeting or planning apps.

    Nowadays I never ever, not even if bacon flies, reschedule. Cancel sure but never reschedule. I don’t have the time and most of those I play with don’t have the time. To keep things running I recruit to five, have an ideal group size of four and run if three or more are available. Barely ever any cancellations. Only ones if I’m not available or if there is SIGNIFICANT plot development.