Leave it in the ground!
Leave it in the ground!
Do they want a piece? Well, they can go fuck themselves because neither they nor their bestie Russia will get any.
God’s punishment.
Doubles as an IED! (I know that’s a different phone, just wanted to make that joke.)
The office versions are so confusing and frustrating. I just wanna use the goddamn desktop program and not some web app.
Also it forwards your SMPT/IMAP data to Microsoft without your consent.
Oh yeah, US courts justifying their continuous rights abuses of foreign detainees is absurd and should be legitimized by no international judgements.
One more reason to not extradite Assange. Let him sit trial for everything else he’s allegedly done in countries with humane criminal justice systems, but do not subject him to either Manning’s, or worse, as you say, non-citizen’s torture in places like Guantanamo Bay.
Most things last very long if stored properly. People tend to not do that, though. Probably why low-maintenance, high-permanence formats tend to keep the best.
How are you arriving at that idea?
Assange is a bit of a scumbag, but unrelatedly, his efforts for freedom of information should not land him in US torture prisons like many others.
What do you mean?
I hate to tell you but philosophy has its own branch of basically math (logic). You need math to prove things :(
If media/publishing companies would just throw the exclusivity model in the trash where it belongs (and let DRM die too), then everyone could pay to see what they want on their platform of choice without this bullshit. As long as that’s not the case, I don’t see myself using these “services”.
It’s the meme allegation, the real allegation is just cheating without any butt stuff.
I think it was rather commenting on the interviewer’s inappropriate intrusiveness into an intimate topic rather than kinkshaming. Understandable that Niemann got defensive there, IMO.
Tell that to younger generations in developing countries - they have done nothing wrong and will suffer because of other’s actions. It’s debatable how much people like you and me - provided you are someone selling labor and consuming averagely living in a developed country like me - can do compared to highly emitting upper-class people, but we certainly can’t just accept the consequences of climate change like it only affects us or we are the judges of letting it doom those least responsible but most affected.
You’re conveniently failing to mention the millions of people who will suffer and die with no fault of their own. This is not positive thinking, it’s privilege and ignorace.
If you’re willing to experiment away from business socks, try sport socks. I use Puma ones because they’re readily available, but really anything a bit more structured.
For me it was first VLC without really knowing what FOSS was, then KeePass while getting to know a bit about it, and finally Thunderbird. What did it for me was just how good and bullshit-free they were, especially in comparison to paid competitors. They really are the best products in their field, proving the quality often behind FOSS software.
I support any and all EU laws against Xitter out of spite, they could be making Elon Musk square dance for every piece of misinformation for all I care.