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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2024


  • Well, JD Vance thinks grandma and grandpa should be the solution to childcare, but that only works if they aren’t actively dying and need to be cared for themselves. I’m pretty sure the GOP also thinks that daughters-in-law and granddaughters should be doing the elder care for free as well, so I don’t really know how they expect that all to work.

    (It’s not supposed to work. People are supposed to make rich people richer and then die, according to the GOP)

  • I just finished my second family medicine rotation and it’s just so ass-backwards because if we could give them the medication they need, they won’t end up in hospitals/ICUs/long term care facilities/etc. The new medications are incredible drugs and can vastly improve the quality and quantity of life for patients with diseases like diabetes, heart failure, renal failure, and more…if the patients can afford them, which they frequently cannot.

  • It’s appalling how much we have to alter treatment plans based on Medicare rates. If someone doesn’t have a supplement plan, they probably won’t be able to afford the new medications that are MASSIVE improvements on the old ones. It’s so frustrating to have to try to cobble together a treatment regimen for congestive heart failure or type 2 diabetes without being able to use the new medications because Medicare doesn’t cover enough of the cost for the patient to be able to afford it. It also affects how long a patient can be hospitalized and figuring out the requirements to make sure they qualify for rehab after hospitalization is aneurysm-inducing.

  • Well, time to Godwin’s Law this discussion I guess.

    What you’re suggesting is an expectation for physicians to do something akin to actively defying the Nazi regime to hide/evacuate/personally protect vulnerable people who the Nazis are trying to round up. The people in Nazi Germany who put their lives and livelihoods on the line to help shield people from the concentration camps are unequivocally heroes in every sense of the word.

    It is unreasonable to expect, much less demand true heroism from people who are trying to live their lives. Right now, the penalties for performing an illegal abortion in Texas are loss of your medical license and a minimum of 5 years’ imprisonment, and maximum of 99 years’ imprisonment, as well as a $100,000 fine per instance. (They are very generous though, in that if the fetus miraculously survives, it’s only a second degree felony that carries a mandatory sentence of 2 to 20 years).

    You are effectively insisting that physicians put in this position must put their entire profession, career, livelihood, and potentially even their life on the line in the hopes that the politically selected prosecutor elects to not pursue charges. That’s a hell of a gamble without even beginning to consider the impact of the loss of a physician would have on their community.

    This is a political problem with a political solution, but despite my own intentions and moral convictions, I would never presume to insist that another physician puts everything on the line to stand up to the modern Nazi party. (because, let’s be honest, that’s what the GOP is now.)

  • You’re agreeing that this is a political problem, but you’re still putting the impetus and responsibility on the physician in that situation. If we’re using the trolley problem as an example, the person holding the switch to choose between the 5 people in harm’s way, or actively switching it to one person who currently isn’t in harm’s way…the switch just changes the track direction. That person doesn’t have access to brakes, or a “derail” option. The physician in that situation has to choose between actively leaving one person in harm’s way, or allowing many people to suffer down the line.

    Personally, I don’t have kids, I’m not going to have kids, and it’s just me and my husband. I don’t have a whole family of lives to ruin by getting into legal trouble by running afoul of this, but I don’t blame the physicians who do have a lot to lose. Also, I know enough about the legal system and how medical documentation and coding work to make it tough for the hypothetical prosecutor to pin things on me. Hell, I’m still a student and I’m thinking up ways to play this horrible game they’ve set up, and I think some of my solutions will be pretty clever if I ever have to use them. I will not be sharing any of those ideas, but I have quite a few of them.

  • You do realize that the traditional Hippocratic and Osteopathic oaths forbid abortions, right? A lot of physicians adhere to more modern versions, but if you’re going by the traditional Hippocratic oath, you’re just talking out your ass about something you don’t actually understand the context and consequences of.

    Edit: It appears that I should clarify some things. I do not agree with the original Hippocratic or Osteopathic oaths. I refuse to take them, and have instead written my own for myself and my firmly held beliefs. Abortion and euthanasia are expressly forbidden by the original oaths, and there are still quite a few physicians that point to those oaths to excuse themselves from violating conservative religious beliefs on those topics. I support the right to abortions, and the right to die with dignity. It’s still important to recognize that the original oaths that many physicians (old and new) ascribe to forbid these, and that they will use those oaths as an excuse to violate patients’ rights in favor of their own beliefs.