
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • When I mentioned Windows, I meant that Adobe also requires Windows 10. And I don’t believe in using edge or chrome because they’re both anti-privacy. I feel like a huge company like Adobe aim to be compatible on most browsers and shouldn’t limit their website visibility because of the browser you’re using, especially with something like Firefox which is well-known. It sets a bad precedent for other websites to do the same, which cuts off the freedom of the web.

  • I’ve found that learning about and practicing DBT has offered me more of a skill to do this myself. I know what you mean about wishing you could see outside the frame of your emotions and past. In DBT, we have something called the “emotion mind” and the “reasonable mind.” But we need both in order to make decisions. Rationality is great, but emotion provides direction, desire, goals, and a “why” for everything we do. The idea is that when you use emotion and reason together, you can use your “wise mind” which can help you see outside your experiences and gain perspective in new areas. I think I know what you mean because I also crave further neutral 3rd party understanding on my past too, and use ChatGPT a lot for that myself. Thought I would just throw in a couple more cents if you hadn’t heard of the concept. :)

  • Alpha agonists are non-stimulant drugs and in this case, mostly refer to clonidine and guanfacine. They can be used off-label to treat some of the symptoms of ADHD. Most frequently, they’re used for RSD as they’re the only medication that is said to help it (about 1/3 of the population will have symptom reduction with either one drug or the other - and the last 1/3 won’t see a reduction in RSD symptoms at all). It also can introduce a greater sense of calm and make it easier to sleep. These medications can be used together with stimulants. I typically seen them most commonly prescribed by ADHD specialists who know more about the variety of treatment paths for ADHD, less commonly by GPs.