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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I really appreciate your comment but yes, I use frigate on an HAOS system. It works incredible and I have six of their cameras running along with four others from a different brand. The other four I can manipulate completely via Firefox on HAOS. The Reolink cameras just have no other option than doing the initial setup and advanced configurations from windows. So I keep a lab pc connected to that environment just so if I want to tweek anything like fps, resolution, network settings (IP, gateway, etc) that I’m able to do so. The web interface once enabling the https service on the camera has garbage capabilities compared to my other cameras. It’s not a huge deal, I haven’t had to get into them for advanced settings in a few months but it really annoys me that I can’t do initial configuration and advanced settings from Linux.

  • I’m trying to figure out what to do with my lab workstation. If I want to mess with the settings of my Reolink cameras windows seems to be the only stable option sadly. I’ve tried their android software and it’s garbage. The web interface is very limited after enabling it in the settings via their software. Wine has not worked well for me. It’s an isolated lan so it’s not a huge deal but I really wish there was a Linux build. I love the hardware and don’t want to replace the physical cameras. Just so stupid they won’t support a Linux client.

  • Waraugh@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    toMemes@lemmy.mlzodiac sign
    5 months ago

    It makes me feel really dumb when I watch this stuff. The entire time I try to be open minded. I’m left being impressed with the individuals ability to research and articulate an obviously very thoroughly studied topic. They are obviously intelligent, I guess more so than I can relate, because all I am left with from the content is how pointless of a topic it is. No kidding words that we created are a method of communicating within the environment we exist. It’s like the stupid boat example, most generally when referring to the boat people are referring to the one registered, just as he said in the video. The others made from the scraps are boats made from the removed components of that registered vessel. None of this stuff seems complicated to me. He and others even seem aware of the pointless ridiculousness of it when he discusses the eyelash in the fridge example. So I’m left feeling that I’m obviously too stupid to understand the value, or objective, in such a pointless pursuit where everyone already recognizes conditions to words apply to communication while somehow finding value in beating the horse to death and picking it to death, for what I imagine is some goal I just can’t understand.

  • i didn’t get a degree until I was almost thirty, from an online college at that. I’m a complete idiot and somehow earning a bit over $200k a year in the Midwest at forty years old. Sometimes I have to meet with people and I’m like man, just let me back in my hole, wtf am I doing here, I can barely understand what these people are talking about let alone process any of the shit they are saying. I talk, ask questions, sometimes get answers I can understand but always make an idiot out of myself but I keep talking. Everyone says it’s better to keep your mouth shut and be assumed to be an idiot instead of opening your mouth and removing all doubt but I swear I’ve made a career out of being an idiot. If it wasn’t for IT I would be cleaning shit off guys dicks in a brothel somewhere to feed myself.

  • I’ll never lose sleep over it and don’t care for the whales but I do directly donate $15 a month, sometimes individually but often times to 2 or 3 individuals. The only service I pay for otherwise is realdebrid. I started donating as I got to a comfortable place in life and am happy to contribute that subscription plus my $15 a month donation to the project, creator, artist w/e. I pick based on the content our household is consuming or projects I want to support.

    At the end of the day I don’t think anyone needs to justify anything. Even if pirating is considered to be immoral, which I’m not arguing, it would still be the least immoral practice in the process compared to all the shit that takes place with large commercially developed content.

    If things ever got stupid I’d just play crossword and do puzzles, I’m not so attached to electronic media that I’d pay over $50 a month for the entertainment.