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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023

  • TheSanSabaSongbird@lemdro.idtoMemes@lemmy.ml"Patriots"
    5 months ago

    The short version is that it was about the transfer of power from hereditary nobility to a different elite consisting of wealthy merchants and “gentlemen” farmers. This transfer was already happening anyway throughout the British Empire, the Americans just wanted to speed it up and codify it.

  • TheSanSabaSongbird@lemdro.idtoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    5 months ago

    Ok, the fact that you honestly believe this is how legitimate newsrooms work is both deeply disheartening and an indication of how little the average person knows about the news business.

    Editors decide what gets published, not the editorial board which is an entirely different and unrelated body that traditionally has zero contact with the content side of things. In the business we say that there is a “firewall” between the editorial board and actual news content. The NYT or WaPo would have mass resignations of their reporters if either of their editorial boards tried to influence content.

    Ownership is a bit different and obviously --as we know from the Murdoch empire-- can influence content, but in traditional operations they’ve always been very hands-off. It’s a fact, for example, that Jeff Bezos doesn’t care what the WaPo publishes and has no interest in it beyond as a business concern.

    Editors do have control over content, but overwhelmingly they are concerned with doing a good job and furthering their careers and professional reputations. You’re completely misunderstanding the incentive structure in mainstream news media. Outside of the extremist advocacy journalism ecosystems --mostly but not only on the far right-- no one has any incentive to push an agenda and risk ruining their career by getting something important wrong.

  • TheSanSabaSongbird@lemdro.idtoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    5 months ago

    Yeah that’s bullshit. There isn’t some secret cabal that’s in charge of US journalism anymore than there is in the UK. What really happens is that because the old news-media business models have been utterly destroyed by the Internet, there’s a giant and never-ending competition for audience and everyone knows that sensationalism sells.

    You have a similar problem in the UK but it’s not as pronounced because the BBC is government funded and even though it’s far from perfect, it does set a kind of baseline. Your other big news organizations are just as bad as in the US though. Your tabloids are actually a lot worse than ours, which is saying something.

  • Also it’s cheaper to ship grain from the upper Missouri region to the Columbia Plateau and then down the Snake and Columbia on barges where it then gets loaded onto freighters in Portland, Vancouver and Longview and shipped to Asia and South America. By volume the Columbia is the second largest watershed in the US. Obviously all of the Columbia Plateau grain gets shipped down the Columbia as well, which is a lot, since it’s a major grain producing region.

    The downside is crossing the Columbia Bar which is also known as the graveyard of the Pacific, but there are highly paid Columbia River pilots for that.

  • Seems like a red flag to me.

    Maybe it’s not a deal-breaker in and of itself, but if you get many more of these, you probably want to cut your losses and move on.

    Take it from an old guy who’s learned this shit the hard way.

    In my experience it’s the case that if someone shows you that they are crazy or psychologically maladjusted, there’s very little that you can do about it as their romantic partner.

    I don’t say that people can’t change, only that it’s almost never going to happen when they are already in a relationship with you and exhibiting weird and abusive behavior such as what you describe.

    That said, in all honesty I think you might want to at least consider getting out now. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be.

    Again, I’m an old guy in his 50s and I have seen and been through some shit over the years. That doesn’t mean that I’m somehow magically “right,” but it does mean that I have some perspective on these things.

    Take it for whatever you think it’s worth.