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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • I lament Nova’s demise, too…

    I think the reason that the tech companies won’t allow us to have our devices our own way ( Microsoft was doing this decades ago ), is “religious”/ideological, not practical:

    I think they “need” to keep everybody permanently in a headlock, with our heads all twisted, because only if we are all in permanent learned-helplessness, only then can they automatically get away with everything they intend to be getting away with, in our world.

    IOW, our autonomy violates their totalitarian religion, see?

    It’s the same as how ANY spirituality grates on Dawkins’ blood: he wants it all gutted/butchered/destroyed, & suicides of ones he destroyed are no problem for him, & no alternative ever can have any validity to him.

    Totalitarianism, whether traditionally “religious”, or in any other ideology/prejudice/religion, is the same: it HATES violation of its homogenous dominion.

    ( comically: homophobic-religions want a homogenous het humankind, with no violation of that homogeneity. The existence of homosexuals is too heterogenous for them )

    Autonomy is something that totalitarian supremacism ideology “needs” to obliterate from the whole world.


    It seems to be a damn-good diagnostic for it, even!

    _ /\ _

  • Power-consumption.

    Also, the vibration produced by the 2.5" drives is less, but they’re more-sensitive to it, to begin with.

    I’d not even consider spinning-platter drives, nowadays, though:

    SATA SSD’s for a NAS strike me as being the sanest choice.

    Samsung what are those called, Evo drives?

    excellently-high MTBF, ultra-short ( compared with rotating-platters ) seek-time ( literally orders-of-magnitude quicker ), etc.

    I don’t know of ANY reason to go with spinning-platters, nowadays.

    ( & I’m saying that as a guy stupid-enough to have not realized this in time, & who spent money on such a thing, when SSD’s really were the answer )

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldAutism rule
    4 months ago
    1. Say what you actually mean.
    2. Mean what you actually say.

    For some reason those 2 rules are the OPPOSITE of how normals’ culture wires people to work.

    Normals’ rules are:

    1. Don’t say what you mean.
    2. Say what you don’t mean.

    It’s abuse, & needlessly exhausting.

    Gaslighting is just an exponential-amplification of normal-dishonesty.

    _ /\ _

  • USB-storage isn’t reliable.


    ANY fscking thing that bumps any connection, can break the dam link.

    Then your kernel can re-label the device when it re-connects,

    and you’ve got to reassemble your RAID.

    just my experience.

    use ANY other method you can, other than USB.

    stick a SATA adaptor on there somewhere, if you can.

    Get a different motherboard.

    ANYthing, but not USB.

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoRelationship Advice@lemmy.worldDepressed Husband
    5 months ago

    I was a manic-depressive, with a 2-4d up & 2-4 months down, cycle.

    I’ve experience with profound long-term depression: years & years of it.

    There is a mechanism in us that calibrates our brains to the amount, and kind, of light we’re immersed in.

    the Seasonal Affective Disorder treatment lights angage this mechanism.

    Our eyes contain rods ( black & white vision, night-vision, motion-sensing, etc ), cones ( gives us seeing of the yellow-blue contrast & the green-magenta contrast ) AND some pigmented-ganglia ( nerves, that was the term in what article I read years ago ) which reach back into one’s brain, which directly alter our state re depression.

    Those pigmented-ganglia are most-senitive to the color of a clear daytime sky.

    The more profound, & more long-term, the depression, the higher the light-threshold is, that has to be crossed, to get one’s brain-chemistry to change.

    If one does a simple series of experiments, with mixing “daylight” & “warm white” high-CRI ( color-rendition index ) bulbs, in some place small & bright like a bathroom, one can discover one’s threshold, in 1 of 2 ways.

    1. easiest, simply put sooo much bulbs in the room, that when one flicks them on, one feels the “kick” of one’s brain-chemistry changing ( others have replicated this experiment. I usually found that 150w or more of quartz-halogen light in a bathroom was required, but the “kick” was sooo distinct/clear, that they were instant believers in the mechanism ). I spent years having 500w of fluorescent AND 500w of quartz-halogen light in my main room, of the apartment I was living-in, and eventually my brainchemisty changed…

    2. use some kind of light-panel, with a dimmer & a switch, to discover how much light it takes to make one’s pupils shrink, then stop-shrinking ( 1st-shrinking is rods/cones, then pause, then 2nd-shrinking is the pigmented-ganglia mechanism ), and when the person’s pupils begin shrinking again, as one continues increasing the amount of light, that’s the threshold they need to cross. Now switch off the lights, while keeping that dimmer exactly where it is, let their brain stabilize for a half-minute, or so, then flick it on, & see if they feel the “kick”, or if you have to go a bit higher…

    You can use the light-sensor within your phone ( there are light-meter apps ) to give you a means of identifying if you’ve got enough light for that person’s discovered threshold.

    Also, I discovered that “alarm clocks” based on sound are destructive, and you need, instead, to put a pair of timers on lamps:

    have a “warm white” lamp come on 1st, & about 5mins later, then the “daylight” one.

    Light on one’s skin has been measured to affect one’s … is it melatonin? … that chemical having to do with sleep.

    The researchers who discovered that bit, were trying to prove it couldn’t, so they were shining light behind people’s knees, but it actually worked, so that nuked their intended-result/belief.

    Anyways, living in a light-box works against depression, and has much less side-effects than, say, Norpramin ( living zonked was its side-effect ), or lithium-carbonate, but one must cross one’s light-threshold, or it doesn’t work, and each person’s light-threshold is unique-to-their-current-condition.

    I’m an old bastard.

    Evidence has proven this trustworthy & solid.

    Please consider asking your husband to read it.

    ( it is too exhausting ( unrelated health-problems ) to even comment on a few posts per month, at the moment, so I don’t reply to replies … this year … sorry. )

    I hope this helps liberate a life from the inner-darkness.

    Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?

    _ /\ _

  • I’ve been screamed-at, in an office-lobby, by my supervisor, for not recognizing people by their faces.

    I’m face-blind, and only know that because of that series-of-incidents.

    I didn’t know, until my mid-30’s, that ANYBODY ANYWHERE could ever recognize people just by their faces.

    Absolutely stunning.

    I recognize people by their being where they’re supposed to be, the way they move, their voice, their clothing, all together, and usually I can recognize 'em, if I’ve seen 'em recently-enough.

    That normals can recognize people only by seeing a face??

    too weird.

  • AndroOffice, or whatever it’s called, is a port of LibreOffice to Android.

    It’s a little cumbersome ( use it on a big tablet, not on a little phone ), but it’s got the capability that nothing-else has.

    I agree with people who hate the UI, on mobile the desktop UI’s … not a wise choice…

    … but if you’re using a bluetooth keyboard, it’s much better.


    If you want real spreadsheets, it seems the best option around.

    I’m presuming its Word equivalency is similar.

    I’ve tried multiple alternatives for spreadsheets, & for me, nothing else came close.

    Now, however, I think that using Julia programming, instead of spreadsheets, would make everything in the whole world work better.

    : P

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldCheap, but reliable SSDs?
    5 months ago

    Reliability’s kinda high on my priority-list.

    Try Samsung.

    Nowadays I can’t imagine using SATA for anything but archival storage ( get the fastest NVMe you can for your operating-system, and be stunned by how much quicker your machine is ).

    Last time I was digging into stats, the reliability-rate for Samsung devices was much higher than that of Western Digital,

    and the off-brands … often are a bit of a bad-joke, for reliability ( Adata & Kingston, I’m looking at you, and will never trust such scum again ).

    just my experience/opinion, is all.

  • Having participated in many “charities”, you’d be a fool to believe an operation just because it is registered as a “not for profit”.

    Look at the executive-pay, and if it is over 2x the cost-of-living, you’re looking at a money-funneling-to-executives scam, that is masquerading as a not-for-profit.

    The amount of spine required to have real integrity, in this planet, is apparently greater than the amount of spine available in a human life?

  • SanDisk usb-keys work.

    You really want to use the thing for read-only, though, if you can:

    the writes it takes to kill some portion of a filesystem, vs the writes you get before corrupting things, on a USB driver, don’t line-up.

    Use NVMe as your 1st-choice for storage ( future purchases, obviously ), the fastest you can get, and be stunned by how much faster the same motherboard is, with superfast OS storage…

    I’d stick /home, not /usr, on the USB.

  • IF JBOD, && Linux, THEN yes you can know, through SMARTTOOLS, or something like that…

    However, I can’t imagine how you’d get 2 separate PCIe

    ( presuming NVMe devices …

    … no, this thing must be presuming SATA, NOT NVMe …

    even in SATA, there’s no bifurcator for SATA, I don’t think:

    SAS has expanders, which can take a single SAS channel & attach something like 128 SAS devices onto it,

    PCIe has some kind of equivalent, and there is a PCIe card which crams loads of NVMe’s into it, out in the last year, but SATA??

    Hmm… )


  • I have not read your previous posts, but am only offering a specific perspective for you to consider…

    There are 3 minds ( levels/substances )…

    • SurfaceMind, which dissolves ever few yours
    • underlying-LifeMind ( we make ours unconscious, but it can be conscious, too )
    • Soul/Continuum…

    These 3 minds each have their own interests.

    WHEN the interests of an unconscious-LifeMind contradict the interests of that LifeMind’s SurfaceMind, THEN damage is made to result.

    There is no way to prevent mistakes from being committed, by a mind who hasn’t earned their own experience-induced-understanding, yet.

    Irregardless of whether your current-choice was “right” or “wrong”, or whether his was, or whether anyone’s inaction was “right” or “wrong”, only through committing into one’s Eternity, & moving-on to one’s next lesson, CAN one continue engaging one’s own life-process, properly.

    Making oneself stuck, in order to protect past-habit, isn’t living.

    Maybe what I’m saying is inappropriate to your current moment ( I doubt that ), but it is important, and our culture pretty-much never says it.

    I’m not making any judgement on your action, or his, or whatever your shared past was, I’m only identifying a mechanism that is basic to evolving, to growing-up, and whether it is less or more pertinant now, or later, isn’t relevant: use the understanding, the perspective, when YOU find it appropriate, see?

    _ /\ _

    PS: the most important relationship-competencies are:

    • Gottman’s books
    • Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright’s book ( research-based ) “Tribal Leadership”, on the 5 levels of process, & how we are pushed into the lower 3 dysfunctional levels, & how to get ourselves up into the healthy 2 levels
    • Kegan & Lahey’s “Immunity to Change”, on our unconscious-mind’s fighting off of growing-up, adapting, surviving, in order to protect its already-established ignorance, and how to objectively dismantle our unconscious-mind’s sabotaging of our lives.

    To whomever reads this, who has the spiritual-liveliness to dig into those, you are changing your life to create life-agility in your life, when you invest in understanding those…

    Halvorson’s “The 8 Motivational Challenges” is also strongly recommended: simple, fundamental, & important.

    Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?

    _ /\ _

  • The book “Collaborative Intelligence” is on the 3 most-common of the 4 innate-mind-languages we think in.

    • Visual-thinking
    • Auditory-thinking
    • Kinesthetic-thinking

    It totally ignores the 4th.

    • Implication-Pattern-thinking/Abstract-Thoughtshape-thinking

    which, from what I’ve read, is possibly more than 50% of the physicists people.

    I think in abstract-shapes, which means that instead of seeing the appearances of something, I need to see how it works, before I can then abstract-out its thoughtshape, which is what my mind holds onto.

    I’ve no internal-visual, which is falsely-labeled “aphantasia” ( no-imagination ) by psychology.

    I’ve plenty of imagination, but it works within the mind-function that I have, not in some mind-function I don’t have.

    This difference allows me to “see through” appearances to more fundamental/underlying reality, much more easily than more-conventional minds do.

    As Temple Grandin’s TED talk on kinds of minds pointed-out, however, I’m mindblind to many things that the more-common mind-functions catch:

    She wouldn’t have put the emergency-generators at Fukushima at the bottom of a pit, beside a tsunami-infested sea, because she would have seen them flood ( she thinks in movies ).

    I wouldn’t ever have noticed any potential problem, because I’d have been “looking at” the function withing each generator, & feeling the beneficial-protection of having them not easily attackable, or something.

    You NEED to have all-4 innate-mind-languages working on any product/service that you’re going to release, as each has its own mind-blindnesses.

    Don’t leave any 1 of 'em out!

    But being of the least-common ( & ignored by much/all of the psychology profession/industry ), is a kind of superpower, when their prejudice isn’t grinding on one’s validity, fersure.

    : P

  • There was a youtube vid, testing multimeters, & there was a specific condition that produced wrong results in all the meters except Fluke, who had engineered to prevent that wrongness.

    That was what decided me on trusting Fluke, in the future.

    been years, no idea what channel it was on, sorry, but it should be findable for someone with patience, knowing that only the Fluke got it right, of the ones tested.

    Do pay attention to the calibration-certificates, though:

    Anybody paying for Fluke who ignores that their handhelds have no more than 2.5-digits of actual-accuracy, is foolish/incompetent.

    ( the cheap ones are sooo much worse… )

  • I am trying to lear basic HTML/CSS/JavaScript ( again, last learned HTML back in the 1990’s, am using “JavaScript: The Good Parts” & other books ),

    & have discovered that you can have, on the same phone/tablet, Termux/Nginx running,

    you have to feed /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/nginx/nginx.conf the root-dir you want it to use

    ( which is actually in a proot-distro install, down below

    /data/data/llcom.termux/files/usr/var/lib/proot-distro/installed-rootfs/ … )

    … and then you can have your browser hit


    and it’ll grab index.html.

    Notice that that is http, NOT httpS.

    None of the browsers I’ve tried can get the default connection to localhost, because they all default to https, & nginx isn’t serving https.

    That wasted an entire fscking day, to discover.

    Now learning can begin!