I know not everyone of us has a special talent, but many of us do. Some are just incredible. So, what are they??
Edit: Please don’t be humble. Let it out. Be proud of it and share so we can marvel.
I know not everyone of us has a special talent, but many of us do. Some are just incredible. So, what are they??
Edit: Please don’t be humble. Let it out. Be proud of it and share so we can marvel.
The book “Collaborative Intelligence” is on the 3 most-common of the 4 innate-mind-languages we think in.
It totally ignores the 4th.
which, from what I’ve read, is possibly more than 50% of the physicists people.
I think in abstract-shapes, which means that instead of seeing the appearances of something, I need to see how it works, before I can then abstract-out its thoughtshape, which is what my mind holds onto.
I’ve no internal-visual, which is falsely-labeled “aphantasia” ( no-imagination ) by psychology.
I’ve plenty of imagination, but it works within the mind-function that I have, not in some mind-function I don’t have.
This difference allows me to “see through” appearances to more fundamental/underlying reality, much more easily than more-conventional minds do.
As Temple Grandin’s TED talk on kinds of minds pointed-out, however, I’m mindblind to many things that the more-common mind-functions catch:
She wouldn’t have put the emergency-generators at Fukushima at the bottom of a pit, beside a tsunami-infested sea, because she would have seen them flood ( she thinks in movies ).
I wouldn’t ever have noticed any potential problem, because I’d have been “looking at” the function withing each generator, & feeling the beneficial-protection of having them not easily attackable, or something.
You NEED to have all-4 innate-mind-languages working on any product/service that you’re going to release, as each has its own mind-blindnesses.
Don’t leave any 1 of 'em out!
But being of the least-common ( & ignored by much/all of the psychology profession/industry ), is a kind of superpower, when their prejudice isn’t grinding on one’s validity, fersure.
: P
that’s super interesting! thanks for sharing. now, I’m think about reading that book. maybe my library will have it.