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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • That’s a good question but hard to nail down. In terms of nutrition, I was in decent shape as an omnivore in my late teens, early twenties, but nutrition was miles away from any thoughts I had on my diet. And even then, back in the late 90s/turn of the millinea, most substitutes and otherwise interesting plant-based foods didn’t exist, had limited availability or were pretty rough (cheeses, burgers etc…). Best we had was Morningstar corn dogs, boca and tofutti slices.

    I think Soy Curls were hitting the market up in Portland around that time (2k-ish), and that would have been mega when I was younger. But I was in Sac/San Diego at that time and distribution wasnt as widespread, or at least I hadn’t seen them. Though, now that I think of it, you could get big tvp chunks in 16oz bags at Trader Joe’s in that timeframe, so I guess that’s my primary answer.

    That said, I suppose I would have loved to discover Sunflower Cafe in Fair Oaks (Sacramento CA area) earlier on before going vegan. The super nut-burgers are amazing and that might have driven me to joining the dark side a lot sooner.

  • There is a time and a place for n-parties in this crappy political environment we are subject to, but this election is simply not it. Voting green or indie in this election dramatically increases the chances of there being only a single viable party for all future “elections” from here on out.

    It’s easy to get jaded, but it’s best to push Republicans out of the picture and foster a more progressive green party in future elections.

    Nothing sustainably good happens quickly in politics, but conversely, our actions in this election can have abrupt, and irreversible consequences.

    I’m not telling to to sit this one out or whatever - you do you, but I do ask you to think of what party you are actively trying to cannibalize and then consider the fallout that may be blowing our way.

    Oh, and for conversations sake, I don’t care about this shame game they are playing right now. This is trivial nit-picking and neither newsworthy nor thread-worthy. Both sides, sure, whatever. There are greater topics like democracy, human rights, voter rights, labor rights etc that are on the table and this "both sides’ nonsense doesn’t not hold up.