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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Halasham@dormi.zonetoAutism@lemmy.worldAnt smell
    1 month ago

    Yeah… I can barely smell at all. Even normally strong smells like that of the urine of an unfixed male cat aren’t particularly impactful to me. I wouldn’t have even considered the potentiality that ants have a distinctive smell in spite of being aware that they use pheromone trails for navigation.

  • Halasham@dormi.zonetoAutism@lemmy.worldR.A.F.
    2 months ago

    Felt this one yesterday. Just finished a semester with a great and charismatic professor.

    He got us all together for a class photo and I felt I should express my emotions so put on a big smile. Could feel how the muscles weren’t used to doing that.

  • Dreams are a normal process of sleep. What they are, to the best of my understanding, is your brain doing one of it’s sleep-tasks: memory transfer from short to long term storage. Normally, recording new memories is suppose to be “off” during the process. It’s most common to remember them when your sleep isn’t very restful or is disturbed during the part of sleep where that process takes place, REM sleep.

    That being said I’m with ThrowawayPermanente, it’s extremely rare that I ‘dream’.

  • Min/Maxing? In any sufficiently complex game I can determine something that would be an efficient path to victory and pursue it harder than anyone else. I seem to really have a knack for making something work precisely to what I want even if it struggles in other respects.

    It’s most apparent when I play Stellaris with friends. I self-impose a penalty not to play particular builds that are the best at my min/maxing preference but my not-tryharding play-style will still put me at twice the research output of the next player extremely quickly. Granted my empire has extreme and exploitable weaknesses that theirs doesn’t but my gamble frequently pays off.

    I have a harder time making it work in Civ6 but that’s likely because I play it really infrequently. I believe I’ve figured out what needs to be done to make it happen though.

  • The easiest test I’ve ever received was the written portion of a US driving test. I’m sure the average American would need no more than ten minutes of study to pass it. I regularly observe US drivers either willfully ignoring what they know from the test or having forgotten it entirely. Everything is bad here but for transportation I wouldn’t be surprised if it were the worst in the developed world.

  • I suffer under the American dystopia. I’m familiar with how bad it is here. I like to burn incense on occasion for no other reason than enjoyment of the scent created. I’m fine with doing things for the sake of ‘feels good’. What I’m opposed to is the prevalence of falsehoods or indeterminable notions held to be true and from them actively harmful decisions being made. I don’t see a mechanism to effectively prevent that category of poor decisions from being made without addressing the root cause.

    Edit for Clarity: Was just thinking about my comment and felt I should add to clarify that I in no way mean to say taking the nonscientific services away from anyone. I mean to say shut down the advocacy for unsupported, and occasionally quite dangerous, assertions that these can do anything more than what they demonstrably do. My ire is directed entirely at advocates and practitioners who act on or spread misinformation.

  • IMO psuedoscience needs to be shut down HARD. If there’s legitimate use of something and the pseudoscience mythologizes it to do more than that even more so as people who get it for one of the things it’s legit for could more easily be duped into believing the bullsh*t and expose themselves to potential harm or just degrade the common understanding of reality.

  • Halasham@dormi.zonetoAutism@lemmy.worldShould
    4 months ago

    If being on Lemmy isn’t doing it then make a random selection system of some kind. Draw activities from a hat, use a digital wheel, roll a die and assign activities to each number etc. Or just commit to doing the next enjoyable activity that crosses your mind.