The list of banned books is here

Read em while you can

    2 months ago

    Repeatedly said the exact opposite my guy. But as an artist, bad artists that phone it in=not as worthy? Yeah. I like this hill. It is verdant and good. Making good shit is hard. It would nice to live in a world where that effort was valued. You seem very earnest. I wish you the best with your Twilight vanilla fairy melodramas.

      2 months ago

      I am earnest. I don’t read them but I remember my youth having media I liked that makes me cringe now. It’s insulting the audience for enjoying something that is unfair.

      Be as critical of the art and artists as you want. It is really elitist and mean to insult someone for enjoying it. Which IS what your first post did.

        2 months ago

        No. The first post was regretful that these books would get a boom in interest from their prohibition albeit of the low quality of their content—granted said like an ass, but, welcome to the internet.

        You keep conflating low quality with shame. In a way that’s increasingly reading as bit autobiographic. Like whatever you like—liking a thing doesn’t excuse it from criticism. Yeah, I’d prefer the zeitgeist steer kids into reading better crafted works and not to mass marketed soulless trash. Is this really a problematic stance? Calling me a pretentious twat and an elitist because I am critical of a book series that …you apparently never read? (I got up until the point when sheltered girl is abducted from abusive English garden boy by dark and brooding but misunderstood wing guy.) Tons of fantastical young adult books are written fantastically. But so far not by Maas.