“So think of it: They get me to that position, and then their campaign says, ‘I’m the prosecutor, and he is the convicted felon.’ That’s their campaign,” Trump said. “I don’t think people are going to buy it.”
They didn’t seem too successful in the news cycle.
I still think it would be worth a try if Harris only referred to Trump as “the convicted pedophile”. Like, 1-up the orange Mussolini at his own stupid tactics.
I still think it would be worth a try if Harris only referred to Trump as “the convicted pedophile”.
He hasn’t been convicted of being a pedophile yet. Best we can do without walking the line as regards defamation is something like “convicted felon, found liable for rape, GOOD FRIEND of Epstein who is currently fighting for your vote because it’s the only real chance he has to escape the law and he knows it.”
Urgh, articles about tweets.
That’s it. Don’t reward a newssite for this shit.
her clip is pretty good though:
Trump: And then their campaign says I’m the prosecutor, and he is the convicted felon-[CUT] Harris; “I am Kamala Harris and I approve this message”
it’s a nice truncation.
I’d rather more people rewarded the news site for it then rewarding twitter by going there directly
This just rewards both of them, because the embedded Twitter elements are still there
I took one for the team and went to the article, so no-one else had to.
I approve your effort.
Eh, it was pretty funny though. And it’s a complete character change from Biden’s campaign.
How quickly people forget the Dark Brandon clapbacks
They didn’t seem too successful in the news cycle. I still think it would be worth a try if Harris only referred to Trump as “the convicted pedophile”. Like, 1-up the orange Mussolini at his own stupid tactics.
He hasn’t been convicted of being a pedophile yet. Best we can do without walking the line as regards defamation is something like “convicted felon, found liable for rape, GOOD FRIEND of Epstein who is currently fighting for your vote because it’s the only real chance he has to escape the law and he knows it.”
But he’s convicted and a pedophile, why do we have to do it by the book if he wins by making up whatever he wants, was my point.
Unfortunately tweets by famous people are news, whether we like it or not. At least this way I don’t give Elon a page view.