
  • herrcaptain@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    Obviously I could be misreading it myself given that I’m only experiencing the circumstances via your post, but what seems to give away that he’s into you is just how you describe your interactions with him. The making eyes from across the room, gravitating toward you, paying special attention (especially offering to drive you home) - those are all pretty good signs, especially when taken together.

    And yeah, I think it was mostly the use of the word “protect” that made me second guess his personality. He could just have a weird way of talking, but that wording puts my guard up a little. That isn’t to say that he’s a weirdo, but it certainly makes it worth approaching with a bit of caution - especially given the big age gap. Maybe he doesn’t necessarily chase younger women and he’s just enamored by you in particular. But, there are a looooot of older guys out there who prey on younger women because they feel that they can control them.

    Also, you said you’re “not expecting anything serious.” Be careful there as well - he very well may have something different in mind. It’s a big age gap that I’d generally advise against for lots of reasons, and different life stages is a big part of that. He could be looking to settle down, start a family, etc. If you were in your early 20s I’d say run, but being that you’re both full adults and you might be ultimately looking for the same things, you do you. That is, as long as you’re not getting any red flags. Maybe a coffee date or whatever wouldn’t be a bad idea to see what vibes you’re getting from him in a different setting.

    Again though, I’m a total outsider so take this all with a big grain of salt and go with your own gut.