Very. Just have a good enough internet connection and hardware to download and run models. Interrupted downloads must start over. 4-41 GB. Otherwise find the source, use wget, and download to the correct folder.
Is there a model you prefer? I’ve been throwing the exact same question to different models and they seem to all give a very similar answer.
Also, how is it getting certain information if it’s all offline? For example, I asked it to recommend some bike products, and gave very specific brands and models.
That’s crazy impressive, though. I’ve been playing with it more, and it’s very specific about certain things. I guess you can hold a lot of data in the GB of space these models use.
These models prioritize plausibility above factual correctness. So verification often is needed.
100% I was telling my wife that anyone who knows about a subject, can easily point out the inaccuracies with the output from any of the models.
But if you don’t know about a subject, the AI gives you an answer that seems like it could be right. Scary to see where this technology takes us, especially when the majority easily digests information without verifying any of it.
I’ve been using Jan for a while now. It’s great!
Would you say it’s noob-friendly?
Very. Just have a good enough internet connection and hardware to download and run models. Interrupted downloads must start over. 4-41 GB. Otherwise find the source, use wget, and download to the correct folder.
Is there a model you prefer? I’ve been throwing the exact same question to different models and they seem to all give a very similar answer.
Also, how is it getting certain information if it’s all offline? For example, I asked it to recommend some bike products, and gave very specific brands and models.
Train it online. Use it offline.
That’s crazy impressive, though. I’ve been playing with it more, and it’s very specific about certain things. I guess you can hold a lot of data in the GB of space these models use.
Agree, no small feat. Two caveats tho:
100% I was telling my wife that anyone who knows about a subject, can easily point out the inaccuracies with the output from any of the models.
But if you don’t know about a subject, the AI gives you an answer that seems like it could be right. Scary to see where this technology takes us, especially when the majority easily digests information without verifying any of it.
Trinity stood out the most to me, it seems to have less unnecessary fluff
I use Stealth or Starling, usually.
Is it better than GPT4All? Do they provide their own model(s) or do we have to download it from other sources?
The provide a hub of models, in my case it was better than gpt4all because it didn’t crash, but I also think it has a nicer user interface.