• Roundcat@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    So on your first point, when I say fundamentalist, I mean people like ISIS, the Taliban or this chucklefuck of a preacher, who may not have any religious justification for their words or actions, but impose it on others anyhow, and take any kind of deviation of their idea of Islam to be infidelity. This is the same sort of shit many fundamental Evangelicals do with Christianity, where their interpretation or ideas on the faith are imposed on others. Their actions may not be justifiable to a sane Christian or Muslim, but to them they are the true believers, and will treat anyone else as heretical.

    I mean to the women who cover by choice, Especially via niqab or hijab I’ve always took it as a form of piety towards God, much like how habits are worn by nuns or sashes by buddhists monks. And to that extent I respect it, because they are making that choice to worship in the way they see fit. It’s about their devotion to god rather than their role in society. The other points you bring out about privacy or being respected for their ideas rather than beauty, that still feels like it comes down to the weakness of men. And don’t get me wrong, Western society is guilty of this as well. I don’t even have to go off this site to see people objectifying women, and how women who post online often have to be very careful on what they show and reveal. A recent trend I’ve seen online is that women will even censor their armpits or legs in pictures, cause there is no part of the human body people won’t fetishize. This is a weakness in nearly all societies, and slut and body shaming is something that still happens frequently in western cultures. For the most part though, Women can still live their day to day lives without sacrificing their own comfort or expression, and men are expected to exercise self control. To me, in places where full burqa is mandatory, it just seems like the burden is placed more upon women to make up for men’s weaknesses.

    Like you’ve said, I am a westerner living in western society (Though I have lived somewhat outside of it for a number of years) with a western perspective. But from someone who comes from a fundamentalist Christian background, who left because I was tired of the hypocrisy, I can’t help but see that same hypocrisy in people like this preacher.