It can be like this even when you are 18

    8 months ago

    What are you using to combat anxiety now if not pot? Weed mostly helps me with anxiety but then other times it really doesn’t lol

      8 months ago

      I’m probably gonna sound super snobby here so apologies in advance, but I’m not really “using” anything. I was in a bad spot mentally for various reasons (extremely toxic relationship for one) and was smoking weed as a bandaid to deal with everything, but it was at a point where I was consuming copious amounts of concentrated weed 24/7 and acting like a total burnout just to try to feel normal. Once I was able to start getting my shit figured out and began dealing with things in a healthier way, I didn’t need to smoke anymore.

      I should say that I do still smoke weed daily, probably more than I should, but I don’t feel agitated or anxious when I can’t go a few hours/ most of the day without lighting up like I used to. I also know it doesn’t actually help with anxiety and just having that knowledge in the back of my mind helped me stop using it like it did.

      TL,DR; “it’s all in your head bro, just feel better” /s