Does anyone know why this might happen? I woke up this morning, my phone and my wife’s (who both share an account) had switched themselves off. Also my Ipad and IMac had. Has anyone had this happen and what does it mean?

  • 001100
    1 year ago

    Okay that’s weird. There are a few possibilities I could think of:

    1. Your devices are all in an area of extreme temperatures, so the devices shut off because they are outside of normal operating temperatures.

    2. You turned the devices off and forgot that you did, temporary amnesia.

    3. A hacker turned off all your devices to mess with you. (Or someone in your home turned off all your devices as a prank.)

    4. Your house is leaking carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause you to have memory issues. Famous reddit thread: reddit link (

    Given I don’t know what your home temperature is, I’m gonna assume the first scenario is most likely.