
  • Ataraxia@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    And that’s fine. They will find their place. I’ll take a smaller community of tech savvy and people willing to learn over a large community of toxic argumentative people. If you’re not willing to learn something new it can be a reflection on how well you’ll get along with other people. I don’t care if someone is religious or what their political beliefs are but I am not interested in reading about how trans people need to be executed or how women should not have rights. I don’t care to open my notifications and see some psycho’s message saying I’m not doing my duty and God will punish me for not being interested in having kids. Many of these people go out of their way to verbally assault and threaten, triggered by something as simple as gay people exosting. It’s exhausting. So I do hope that Lemmy doesn’t become reddit. I hope it filters the best of what we had at reddit regardless of where they’re from and who they are, I enjoy discussions and conversation and points of view. I don’t want to argue with someone who believes mixed race couples should be illegal.