How’s it annoying? It’s easier to edit by hand than json as it allows for comments and there’s no trailing comma errors.
I prefer it any day over json.
There’s a lot of foot guns in YAML. The specification is way more complicated with hidden obscurities. JSON specification is just 5 diagrams. YAML speciation on the other hand is an 86 page pdf, so there’s more room for nasty surprises (which is not a thing you want in configuration files).
I’ve also seen many people struggle more than they need to with the yaml indentation.
I think the only upside to yaml is that it allows for comments, but other than that JSON all the way.
How’s it annoying? It’s easier to edit by hand than json as it allows for comments and there’s no trailing comma errors. I prefer it any day over json.
There’s a lot of foot guns in YAML. The specification is way more complicated with hidden obscurities. JSON specification is just 5 diagrams. YAML speciation on the other hand is an 86 page pdf, so there’s more room for nasty surprises (which is not a thing you want in configuration files).
I’ve also seen many people struggle more than they need to with the yaml indentation.
I think the only upside to yaml is that it allows for comments, but other than that JSON all the way.
The fact that it allows comments is really, really handy. I used to be a JSON advocate until I realized this one useful piece of info.
Yeah, such a simple, but still killer feature. Really sad that JSON doesn’t support them.
I wonder how you’d even implement that. Like maybe {! At the beginning.
Most comment-aware JSON parsers I’ve seen just use standard // to delineate comment lines.
They make sense.