• someguy3@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Go to/watch any planning or proposal meeting and watch the pearl clutching and nimbyism. I think you know this but you want to demand “studies” instead of engaging in good faith.

      • Fosheze@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        you want to demand “studies” instead of engaging in good faith.

        Said the ocean gate sub captain.

        • someguy3@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          Second reply from user nutandcross for posterity;

          I went to a planning meeting in my neighborhood and it wasn’t like that at all. Why did you lie about that?

          Also, why don’t you value scientific research and evidence? Because they don’t corroborate your perverted worldview?

          I think this is one of those communists who can’t be bothered to actually read or live by anything. The meeting was full of shouting communists, whose side I’m on, regarding a city golf course and it’s removal. You were way off. Why did you act like you knew what was going to happen? I’m not mad I’m just confused like, did you really think it was going to be like how you prejudged it or are you towing the disinformation line?

          This is why it’s never good to engage with adolescents as someone with an intellectual conscience, and not just some wishful-idea-drunk autist that can’t tell human faces apart.

        • someguy3@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          This is the response from user nutandcross for posterity, read to the end:

          “instead of engaging in good faith”

          So facts and good faith ethics are mutually exclusive?

          I just got back from a planning meeting and it was nothing like how you said it would be. Why would you lie to me about that?

          Why are you just constantly just lying to people from your room on the Internet? It’s it because when you die, you’ll just vanish and leave a bodily mess because you never became anything, never understood what it meant to be a human? Because you’ve turned yourself over to bad ideas cause your own were worse and now you’re some pimpled Putin puppet.

          Communism, fascism, Jordan Peterson, Trumpist demagogues thrive on weak 14-year-old minds hungry to assert their powerful opinion on something they’ve have no actual experience with

          I urge you to visit these Utopias, maybe move there. There you won’t be called parasite, you will experience the insouciant freedom of the lodged and suckling tick. Maybe the reason you feel so bad is that you don’t belong in a free nation because you’re too chickenshit to exist on your own merit.

          They also recruit and weaponize mentally vulnerable people like young autistic men (4chan, Bannon, cp forums), here’s just a couple I’m sure you can can find commie versions of these stories you can stomach (you can use these to strengthen your good faith arguments):



          You’re all George Santos wannabes in five years, too. Fucking garbage. My family didn’t fight and die so a bunch of little kids could run around with Hitler mustaches telling me which way to think is the correct way to think according to the correct men. Everyone can see how sweaty and dangerous and anti-social utopian philosophies really are except the fevered adherent who always ends up dead or in a cell. You’d shit your pants in a fight.