Welcome to the Vegan Theory Club Weekly Megathread!

Questions of the week: (Feel free to answer one, both, neither, or posit your own!):

What’s a recent book you’ve enjoyed reading?

Feel free to talk about anything, whether it’s vegan-related or not. This is a chill space for connecting, sharing ideas, and supporting each other; however, please keep in mind: vegans only, and we abide by the Anarchist Code of Conduct.

Be kind to all Earthlings! 🌱💙

  • ttjshaman@vegantheoryclub.org
    15 days ago

    I have been reading mach-hommy and that God Fahim lyrics and have tried writing in that form

    Antinomy, like it begins and doesn’t Circumnavigation for the Nike rep haul tomatoes up and ready, roma indeterminate Sourdough baguette convection bread maker

    And when I get the courage I’ll make alotta songs in that form

    I want to read the Bhagavad gita for some reason