Welcome to the Vegan Theory Club Weekly Megathread!

Questions of the week: (Feel free to answer one, both, neither, or posit your own!):

What’s a recent book you’ve enjoyed reading?

Feel free to talk about anything, whether it’s vegan-related or not. This is a chill space for connecting, sharing ideas, and supporting each other; however, please keep in mind: vegans only, and we abide by the Anarchist Code of Conduct.

Be kind to all Earthlings! 🌱💙

  • arcane potato (she/they)@vegantheoryclub.org
    15 days ago

    Last week I read a volume of a report related to the design of a new wastewater treatment plant. The report was 30 years old, so it’s not new, but one of my favorite things to do is untangle the history of industrial sites and map how they have changed over time.

    It’s so interesting to map how laws changed over time because a lot of these rules exist only in site specific documents (there was no real blanket minimum treatment level until 2015-ish). I info dumped in the Vegan Home Cooks discord about sewers and the topic steered towards why we “allow” microplastics to enter the water. This stuff is so fascinating albeit depressing as hell that we pollute so much.