Adams’s willingness to sell out New York City to Donald Trump also betrays his constituents—which has prompted many to call on New York Governor Kathy Hochul to remove Adams from office, which she can do under the city charter. On MSNBC last night, Hochul expressed some openness to removing Adams, but dithered. “I cannot as the governor of this state have a knee-jerk, politically motivated reaction like a lot of other people are saying right now,” she said, whatever that means.

Adams deserves to be removed—but there is one specter lurking in the background that might be informing her decision. Depending on when she removes Adams, she may have to call a special election, which could increase the odds that former Gov. Andrew Cuomo could be elected Mayor.

There are good reasons to be concerned about Cuomo’s political return. But if Hochul is concerned about her actions enabling Cuomo, she has some options.

    27 days ago

    “You see, the problem is that I’m a Democrat with actual power and that means I cannot do anything that is actually needed. I must remain feckless in the face of corruption. It’s what we do best.”