My partner and I have just binged TOS-Enterprise last year and we are starting Discovery today. I was just wondering if we can also start LD or will there still be jokes from Discovery (and the later shows) that we might miss out on? I have really bad FOMO anxiety and am worried there will be references in LD that we will miss because we havent watched any of the new shows yet.

    10 months ago

    Keeping in mind that I’m just giving personal opinions, I found Discovery to be too… over acted? Maybe that was just how it was written but the end result, for me, was that I was constantly rolling my eyes while watching.

    Picard seemed okay but in the end I didn’t like the obvious appeals to nostalgia, for me it felt like it leaned too heavily on it instead of trying to stand on its own as a good show.

    I have no idea if my experiences align with the broader community or not, but I found myself forcing myself to watch each respective show so I didn’t bother watching when a new season came out.

    Please don’t take my comment as anything but me sharing my experiences with someone else who is a fan of the franchise.

    SNW I’m totally on board for, though. And I was hesitant about Lower Decks at first but it’s really a good show, imo. It’s so good that it has me questioning my decision to ignore The Orville for being too silly.