Democratic lawmakers, led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, criticized Trump for failing to address rising food costs despite campaign promises to lower prices “immediately.”
In a letter, they accused Trump of focusing on mass deportations and January 6 pardons instead of tackling grocery inflation, which rose 1.8% in 2024, with egg prices up 36.8%.
Trump’s administration defended its actions, citing efforts to reduce inflation by cutting energy costs.
What’s with the fucking eggs, why does everyone focus on fucking eggs. There’s more food than God damn eggs for fucks sake
Speak for yourself heathen.
I eat eggs.
I would rather starve than eat something other then eggs.
Meat? Gross. Vegetables? Ick. Sugar? Fuck off.
Eggs. Just eggs.
I hope they lock your egg loving ass up!
Don’t egg me on man
I find puns to be eggregious
eggscuse me?
I have an eggumenical attachment.
Never figured my rage induced post would spurr such eggceptional responses
You’ll just have to learn to eggcept that people love eggs
Just guessing, but eggs are a major staple in the average American diet that don’t have a whole lot of comparable alternatives like grain or milk. So when there’s a shortage or prices go up, people don’t have something to replace it with so it’s more apparent that they’re missing out on something and that gets attention.
They are particularly high right now due to non economic reasons (disease).
Everything is particularly high right now due to non-economic reason: oligopoly and greed.
Authoritarian reasons: thousands of businesses forcibly shut down a few years ago, leading to massive market consolidation, leading to less competition, leading to the greed being unchecked.
Greed didn’t recently appear on the scene. Attributing the inflation to greed is like attributing Ukraine war deaths to gunpowder.
Never mind, on the next election we’ll vote for someone else, to lower the price of vegetables at that time
Next election?
Yes, we’ll still have them. Red states will just throw out any votes they don’t like.
Reminds me of the Republicans with the “raw milk”.
I wish they’d drink all the raw milk they can get their hands on.
It’s a staple used in a fuckton of recipes in addition to being a go-to breakfast item. Many Americans stupidly ignore politics, but still pay a lot of attention to the prices of common goods like milk, eggs, bread, gasoline, etc. Folks are living hand to mouth because the billionaires hoard all the money.
Eggs used to be people’s go-to for cheap animal protein