Need a politics-free safe space? It’s called “going for a walk”

    1 year ago

    “What is or isn’t politics is itself a political question” mfers when my politic is that nothing is political, there is only what the Irish call craic

    Thoughts on George Habash? —He was a good doctor innit

    Thoughts on the GERD? —It’s a marvel of engineering innit

    Thoughts on indigenous language education? —I like flicking through the Dakota dictionary sometimes. I don’t understand any of it but yeah

    Thoughts on the South China Sea? —yummy fishies there innit

    Thoughts on trans people using public restrooms? —I’ll answer your question with another question: why’s it called a “public” restroom when you aren’t shitting out in the open?

    Thoughts on the world’s interlocking systems of marginalization, exploitation, and oppression, including the core contradiction between the working and owning class, causing the slow demise of the planet under a world order which can only justify itself through unsustainable constant growth? —Them systems can’t be reformed innit (※this opinion is apolitical because I have declared it to be common sense.)