• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    What this reminds me of is all the fucking weirdoes, scam artists, racists, and conspiracy theorists that came to prominence during Obama’s campaign and during his two terms, being put in office as donvict’s revenge against smart people that laughed at him. Donvict looked around at things like Failin’ Palin and Michele Bachmann and the circus of the teabaggers and thought - “I want people like those people to have power”

    Remember Orly Taitz? A podcast I listened to did a “where are they now?” on that clown, and she is still alive. I’m surprised dipshit donvict didn’t give her a role in his maladministration. My guess is that she was more or less laughed off the TV at some point and donvict forgot about her, but donvict, who engaged in the exact same birther bullshit, was given a platform, so he bullshitted his way into office on white male anger over the fact that Obama got TWO terms and no, he wasn’t a “Kenyan usurper”.