• Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The last movie I saw in theaters was Interstellar… just pulled up the release date, and holy shit, it’s been a solid decade.

    …not really feeling the urge to change that either. All I remember theaters being is a sticky fucking mess where a bag of skittles and a drink will cost you like 5% of your net worth; from there you pack into these disgusting seats, invariably right behind some 6’11" 400lb dude in a fucking cowboy hat and, surrounded on all sides by people who have never heard of the concept of shutting the fuck up for 90 mins…

    • Theo@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      That’s why you find one that isn’t in prime time like an AMC with recliner seats. Usually at the matinee, there is like one of two other people and you and your party get almost the whole theatre. And I sneak in McChickens in my hoodie. Usually have someone with a purse with you. Most theatres around me don’t check. Put the drinks and snacks in there from the dollar store. But yes the floors still get sticky, lol. The security only really cares if you’ve got your phone out or are pointing it like you are filming.

    • XeroxCool@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I have not been in a packed theater since Avengers Endgame. I have been to the theater dozens of times since then. Don’t go opening night or maybe even opening weekend. Most ticket sales at my AMC and Regal are prepurchased with assigned seats, so you can see what’s open and not blocked. You can move around anyway once inside. And all my local ones rebuilt the floor for a greater slope anyway