
Conservative economist Oren Cass warns that Donald Trump could jeopardize his presidency by focusing on donor and activist agendas rather than the priorities of swing voters who secured his victory.

Writing in The New York Times, Cass argues that new presidents often mistake donor interests, such as tax cuts and deregulation, for the will of the electorate, leading to ineffective governance and loss of public trust.

Cass urges Trump to prioritize issues that resonate with the broader American public to avoid a fate that has derailed past presidencies.

    4 months ago

    We need never be afraid of the vote of informed Americans. It is only the ignorant voter we have to fear, ignorant politically, no matter how fine his house or how expensive his schooling. Such people have never experienced democracy; they have merely enjoyed its benefits. It is hard to explain what democracy is; it is necessary to participate in it to understand it.

    —Robert A. Heinlein, Take Back Your Government

    Unfortunately, there seems to be an awful lot of ignorance out there today.