“Federal Election Commission records show Stein paid $100,000 in July to a consulting outfit that has worked with Republican campaigns, as well as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential bid. The firm, Accelevate, is operated by Trent Pool. The Intercept reported that he appeared to be part of the mob that breached the grounds of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6., 2021. The Journal hasn’t independently verified the reporting.”

  • kescusay@lemmy.world
    11 days ago

    No action?

    On behalf of my gay daughter who will be able to marry who she wants to because of Democrats, I just want to say [REDACTED SO I WON’T GET BANNED]. And on behalf of my son, who is trans, [THESE WORDS WOULD ALSO GET ME BANNED].

    Come to think of it, I have Democrats to thank for a return to sane pandemic policies, and Democrats to thank for the Inflation Reduction Act, the most impactful environmental legislation in thirty years. So you can take your “no action” and [NOPE, NOT GONNA SAY IT].

    I’m under no illusion that Democrats are perfect, but they’ve been as effective as possible, given the situation with literal Russian assets on the other side of the aisle, trying as hard as possible to destroy America.

    • anticolonialist@lemmy.world
      11 days ago

      On behalf of your daughter who’s marriage may be under threat because of the Respect for Marriage act from Democrats she may be no better off then before 2012 depending where she lives. What protections have Dems provided for your son other than lip service in the face of republicans passing over 500 anti-trans bills the last several years? The DNC claims to have their backs while denying them affordable housing, livable wages, access to affordable health and mental care. Nothing but lip service from them.

      The first 2 months of US bombs in Gaza had the same environmental impact as burning 150k tons of coal. That war has been going on for nearly 12 months. Out of one side of their mouth they talk about mitigating environmental damage. But their actions tell a different story.

      • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
        11 days ago

        On behalf of your daughter who’s marriage may be under threat because of the Respect for Marriage act

        What the fuck are you even talking about?

      • kescusay@lemmy.world
        10 days ago

        You don’t get to speak on behalf of my daughter or my son when you’re working as hard as you possibly can to elect the Republicans who want to destroy their futures.

          • kescusay@lemmy.world
            10 days ago

            The game you’re playing: “Democrats are imperfect! They haven’t done everything possible to protect your kids! Please pay no attention to the fact that they’ve been hamstrung by the filibuster in the Senate for decades, and a Supreme Court that’s been stacked due to the electoral college giving Republicans two popular-vote losers as president in the span of 16 years. Ignore all that and fight like hell to keep Democrats out of office!”

            You’re fucking transparent, and again, someone fighting to get Republicans elected doesn’t get to speak on behalf of my children.

            • anticolonialist@lemmy.world
              10 days ago

              It takes a simple plurality to eliminate the filibuster. They use it as a weapon to prevent legislation they have no intention of passing, just like their rotating villains

              3 of those conservative sitting SCOTUS justices are there because of direct action from Democrats, they HELPED Republicans stack the court

              • kescusay@lemmy.world
                10 days ago

                It takes a simple plurality to eliminate the filibuster.

                Thank you. With that one sentence, you’ve made it clear I never have to take any of your assertions seriously.

                It takes a majority to invoke the “nuclear option” and override Senate Rule XXII, not a plurality. Given the makeup and structure of the Senate, a plurality that is not also the majority on any given vote is for all intents and purposes impossible.

                The “nuclear option” for overcoming the filibuster and changing its rules didn’t even exist until Harry Reid came up with the idea in 2013. Before that, it was just a given that the only way to overcome a filibuster was by reaching 60 votes in favor of cloture.

                Since that time, the Senate has only been either in Republican hands, or in razor-thin majority Democratic hands. There are several Democratic senators from conservative states who are on record since 2013 as opposing ending the filibuster for legislation.

                That means any attempt to do so for the last ten years would have been a non-starter. And the only way to change that is to elect more Democrats, not fewer. Which you oppose.

                So like I said, I’m done making the mistake of taking you seriously.

    • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
      11 days ago

      On behalf of my gay daughter who will be able to marry who she wants to because of Democrats

      Democratic legislators won’t protect her marriage by codifying Obergefell, just like they refused to codify Roe when they had the chance. Democratic legislators spent decades on half-measures and it had to be decided by the Supreme Court instead. Now that sort of incrementalism is a dead end. SCOTUS works against the people.

      • kescusay@lemmy.world
        10 days ago

        What part of the last two decades had a filibuster-proof Democratic supermajority in the Senate? I’ll tell you: A two-week span under Obama, during which Ted Kennedy was busily dying in a hospital.

        And what part of the last two decades had sufficient Democratic votes to eliminate or reform the filibuster? I’ll tell you that, too: None.

        Perfect is the enemy of the good. Democrats have been good for my daughter. Republicans are guaranteed, 100%, to be much, much worse. Stop trying to sabotage her future.

        • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
          10 days ago

          Stop trying to sabotage her future.

          When the Supreme Court overturns Obergefell, what’s Democrats’ plan to get her rights back? We gave them the necessary majorities to codify both Roe and Obergefell, and they did neither. And I’m not seeing any concrete plans to move the needle back on Roe. Do you suppose there are any for Obergefell?

          When it happens, will you also make excuses for how the party squandered majorities that we gave them?

          • kescusay@lemmy.world
            9 days ago

            When? When exactly did we give them those “necessary majorities?” The last time Democrats held a 60-vote supermajority in the Senate was a two-week stretch during the Obama presidency, while Ted Kennedy was dying in a hospital bed.

            And do you think denying Democrats Senate seats in the future will help my kids more somehow? Spell out how carrying water for Republicans is going to help them.

            • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
              9 days ago

              Any time in which Democrats had at least 50 was sufficient to kill the filibuster forever. We gave them necessary majorities and they squandered them.

              And do you think denying Democrats Senate seats in the future will help my kids more somehow?

              Did I say that? I can criticize Democrats when they’re useless (which is virtually always) without wanting fewer of them in the Senate.

              • kescusay@lemmy.world
                9 days ago

                My apologies. I’ve been getting inundated by people who purport to believe that dividing the left up is a winning strategy, and mistakenly clumped you in with them.