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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • They do have a robust testing process, but their main focus at the CentOS Stream stage is more about preparing for the stable RHEL build than it is about adding a ton of new features and bug fixes. Testing takes time so it would be physically impossible for them to test everything if they didn’t have a limit on the type of contributions they accept. For bug fixes, their limit is that the bug has to be critical. For bugs lesser than that, the correct place to contribute those fixes is in Fedora.

    That has been adequately explained in the merge request at this point, if you click in that link at the top of this thread amd read through it to get the latest info. The Red Hat devs have also made no indication that they’re not welcome to contributors. Anyone who’s saying that is blowing this merge request issue out of proportion.

  • I’m getting downvoted because I’m not conceding that the miscommunication was a legitimate excuse for that blowup. And I’m going to continue to not concede that. I found this whole situation to be embarrassing, and I think instead of getting mad at the miscommunication, you should all be getting mad at the moron who took that screenshot and whipped up the mob frenzy to swarm that merge request, because ultimately Red Hat was 100% justified in not accepting that merge request, and it made you all look like morons.

    It’s fine to get mad on social media, but if you’re contributing to GitLab or someplace else, then you need to slow your roll. There’s always a process involved when contributing to a project, and you have to learn that process in order to contribute effectively. You can’t blow up and whip up a social media frenzy at the slightest inconvenience.

    Edit: Sorry, @[email protected]. I should also add that I’m not mad at you personally or anything, or calling you a moron. I’m more talking about the collective response to this situation. And I’m pretty bad at words, so I feel like I accidentally made it too angry.

  • I’m getting downvoted on my comment about not making a comment on CentOS, so now I feel obligated to reply to this.

    I don’t know, dude. I don’t really care about the miscommunication. I was just focusing solely on the merits of the merge request’s code changes.

    For the miscommunication, it seems like a two way street to me. That was GitLab, so the Red Hat dev was probably operating under the assumption that people there already understood everything about their testing process. But obviously that’s not the case, so Red Hat should create better boilerplate responses for these scenarios. But on the other side of the coin, whoever took this screenshot and posted it to reddit or wherever did so prematurely, imo. They should’ve asked around a bit to make sure it was a legitimate thing to blow up about before they sent a lynch mob to the merge request.

  • I haven’t been really keeping up with this RHEL drama, so I’m probably going to regret making this comment. But about this bug merge request in particular, you have to remember that RHEL’s main target audience is paying enterprise customers. It’s the “E” right there in RHEL. So stability is a high priority for their developers, since if they accidentally introduce a bug to their code, then they’ll have a lot of unhappy paying customers.

    The next comment that was cropped out of that screenshot basically explains exactly that. While the Red Hat developers probably appreciate the bug fix, the reality is that the bug was listed as non-critical, and the Red Hat teams didn’t have the capacity to adequately regression test and QA the merge request. But the patch was successfully merged into Fedora, so it will eventually end up in RHEL through that path, which is exactly what the Fedora path is for.

    The blowup about this particulat bug doesn’t seem justified to me. Red Hat obviously can’t fix and regression test every single bug that’s listed in their bug tracker. So why arbitrarily focus on this one medium priority bug? if it were listed as a critical bug, then yes, the blowup would be justified.

  • I’m on a lemmy instance called sopuli.xyz. This is what your comment looks like there:


    If I go directly to kbin.social, then I can see your image:

    https://kbin.social/m/[email protected]/t/160781/Map-of-about-0-001-percent-of-the-observable-universe#entry-comment-630589

    I don’t know a thing about kbin, I’m still new to lemmy myself, but it looks like that picture is an attachment or something on kbin, as opposed to being directly embedded in the comment. When I expand and collapse the text of your comment on kbin, the image always remains at the bottom, as if it’s not part of the text. Maybe that’s some kbin attachment functionality that’s incompatible with lemmy? I’m not sure. Or maybe it’s some kbin trickery to always display embedded images even if the text is too long and triggers a text collapse.

    Thanks again for the info about superclusters, though! This is all very fascinating.

  • Your first sentence sounds like you meant to link a picture, but it looks like the link might be missing.

    But thanks for the clarification. One thing is I linked to this guy elsewhere in the comments, who explained that the force of gravity is too weak at the supercluster scale for clusters of galaxies to be attracted to each other. But you mentioned that the clusters within the Laniakea Supercluster are attracted to The Great Attractor, and then you further said that the entire Shapley Supercluster is pulling on the entire Laniakea Supercluster. So I’m just wondering, was that guy I linked wrong? It was a random google search on a topic I know nothing about, so I wouldn’t be suprised if it’s wrong, but maybe I’m misunderstanding what he was trying to say too.

  • Thanks, that clued me in to the existence of superclusters, a term I’ve never heard before, and then I somehow wound up here in search of my answer of if the superclusters are orbiting each other. That’s a good read, for anybody interested, but here’s the summary:

    One object orbiting another is an illusion. Instead, all objects orbit their common center of mass, called the barycenter. It looks like we orbit the sun because our common center of gravity is beneath the sun’s surface.

    When it comes to galaxies, we can say that each one in a cluster, such as our local group, is gravitationally bound and orbiting a common barycenter. That means the Milky Way is orbiting a point in space roughly midway between here and the Andromeda galaxy.

    At the scale of superclusters, however, the mass is too spread out and homogenous for centers of gravity to form. With no common center of gravity, clusters of galaxies have nothing to orbit and so don’t.

    Instead, they are steadily pushed apart by the expansion of space.

  • If I have this correct:

    • US, Ukraine, and Russia never signed on to the pact to ban cluster munitions
    • Cluster munitions would be highly effective at clearing out Russia’s entrenched defensive lines
    • Ukraine is specifically requesting the munitions from the US
    • Western artillery ammo is starting to run short, so cluster munitions are needed to buy time until artillery shell production ramps up next spring
    • Russia is extensively using cluster munitions in Ukraine right now, and their munitions have a much worse dud rate than the western cluster munitions, so there’s an argument that preventing Russia from being able to use their shittier cluster munitions is better in the long run

    It sucks, but welcome to war

  • I like Gnome the best too. In my experience, it’s the desktop environment that focuses the most on making sure that no little bugs slip in. Like normally when you’re using a desktop environment, it will be good except for a few bugs here and there where you have to remember weird things like not backing out of the settings menu in a certain way in order to not trigger a bug. Gnome seems to have the least amount of weird little bugs like that.

    It’s not very configurable out of the box, but I prefer that too. I’m getting a bit old and set in my ways, and don’t really want to mess around with too much configuration anymore.