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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • To play devil’s advocate here, I suspect many rural voters would probably just say they’d like to be left alone more than anything else.

    They really buy into that Reagan line about “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” being the 9 most terrifying words in the English language. They haven’t seen government programs working effectively around them.

    I’m not sure promising more government assistance for rural areas is a winning message, is my point.

    We might be able to point out the class divide between republican voters and their representatives, though. That, and highlighting the donors those representatives are really working for.

    Conservative philosophy has had generations to settle in these areas, so any messaging to the contrary is going to be an uphill climb.

  • Vote in the primaries. Vote for the winner who’s least fascist. Yell at them. A lot. Activism in the streets, calling your representative about pending legislation. Donations to organizing groups you agree with There are multiple stages of the process you can get involved with. 1 vote every 4 years is not enough

  • I’d agree that people at the top of the party are cynical and mostly just want tax breaks and to keep government regulations away from their financial investments. Many of the voters do earnestly vote based on Christian nationalism (especially pro-life people) and fear of immigrants, though.

    These voters have also been subjected to 20+ years of propaganda from right wing radio and TV networks. Have you ever subjected yourself to that shit? It’s like a constant fear response.

    My point is the voters at the bottom may not always have a consistent principled worldview, but they’re not always acting cynically with their votes. Many of them really do believe this stuff.