ghost riding the apocalypse cuz there’s no way off this ride

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I haven’t found any good resources even in urban areas. There’s just not much there for older NDs. Everything is geared towards children. Also, think it’s very unknown how much more exhausting masking gets as you get older. It’s not something you just get better at, it still takes a lot of effort and as you age and energy levels drop it becomes more and more unsustainable.

  • Ya know what was a foundational part of the American dream? Pensions. Ya know which employers still offer them? Counties, states and the federal government.

    Private companies exist solely to make the people at the top very rich based on the stolen value of employee labor while dumping catastrophic losses in the public sphere. That’s capitalism in a nutshell.

    You’d have to be unbelievably gullible, naive, traumatized AND brainwashed to be a diehard for a system like that. But, somehow they’ve managed it. A deluded nation of Amway top performers just one move away from making their own imaginary millions. All simping for the system.

  • Did those trees, before there were decomposers, have access to nitrogen fixing bacteria? Where were they getting ammonium and nitrate?
    Just stuff built up from lightning, nitrogen and oxygen?

    Edit: Looks like land dwelling soil forming bacteria started in the Cambrian. Then, in the Ordovician the first land plants. Then, in the Silurian vascular plants and trees appeared.

  • Complexity gives the games depth which allows them to hold interest. You can try something, figure out how to play the game that way, and then go and start a new character to figure out how to play the game another utilizing the knowledge you’ve gained from prior experimentation.

    Some of the inventory management can be annoying at times, but again it’s an opportunity to employ knowledge as a means to identify the items that aren’t particularly useful to one playstyle and could be useful under another set of abilities/attributes or some set of combinations allowed by the game.

    A game that only has one right answer quickly becomes a boring precision button pushing simulator to people who prefer more complexity, variety and depth in their gaming experience.

    Not that one preference or the other is inherently correct, but hopefully it can be understood that different people want different things from their games.