(Any pronouns) Indie VTuber, coming to YouTube later this month!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I get that they’re being greedy, but provided you’re not set on watching one specific show, why pay for Netflix? Lots of cable TV providers are setting up their own services and taking their shows there instead of Netflix. Most of the Netflix originals either don’t last, aren’t even close to being good, or both; I feel like there hasn’t been more than two or three major hits from them a year in awhile (could be wrong though). In the past they had no big competitors so they could charge whatever, now it just seems like way too much.

    (I guess that doesn’t mean the ad-supported tier going away, but who wants to pay and still have to watch ads?)

  • I’d say the biggest two DLC packs (Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm) can be worth it; though only on sale. They add a new era score system, natural disasters, and global warming. I bought Civ 6 in its platinum bundle (more than half off), while I like having them had I paid full price I wouldn’t have been happy. If you don’t want to play with them after you get them, you can still toggle them off at the beginning of a game. Then there’s individual civilization packs; if there’s some that interest you/come in a pack, that’s great, but you’re just getting one or two new civs to play with there. Don’t have the New Frontier or Leader Pass stuff, that’s in the anthology, but I’ve heard the Leader Pass doesn’t even run right on Mac or Linux. Hope this helps you out, definitely wait for the summer sale though!

  • Mine is currently Civilization 6 and I don’t think I have anything else that could possibly fit; I occasionally have to step back and decide what to do next as it still is a strategy game, but since turns can take awhile (especially in late game since the AIs have to take their turns), having something else to pass the time helps. The dialogue is pretty inconsequential, and turning the game’s sound off won’t really change anything. I usually have music/podcasts going while I play.

    (Worth noting it does have lots of DLC, but it doesn’t make winning easier and is entirely skippable.)

  • Really enjoying roguelikes right now; picked up Hades and Cult of the Lamb when they were on sale and really enjoyed the gameplay. Nothing’s the same every time, which definitely keeps me from getting bored.

    Looking into branching out into horror/horror-adjacent games, but I have to pick ones without frequent jumpscares. I’m very, well, jumpy, so I’m leaning towards something more heavy on dread than shock factor. Already looking at getting The Stanley Parable during the summer sale.

  • I’m glad to see you telling us and coming forward on this, and that these steps are being taken. Lemmy is a small project, so expecting it to have robust mod tools isn’t realistic. Former Redditors here probably know that some subs have closed indefinitely simply because without good third party mod tools they’ll be near impossible to run safely.

    Everything does feel quite new and volatile on this side of the Fediverse. The Mastodon instance I use has a very long list of blocked instances, especially since it’s aimed at LGBTQ+ users. There’s some messed up people out there, and I appreciate the action on the part of the admins. Just slapping a “safe space” sticker on something does not automatically make it one, and it makes me feel really good to be on an instance that understands that.

  • Right out the gate, I don’t like the ‘superpower’ narratives or the ‘something we should get rid of entirely’ ones myself for both ADHD and autism, as someone with both.

    but that doesn’t mean ADHD isn’t ultimately a disorder that some people need to treat with medication and therapy.

    First off, I agree that therapy can be big. The difference with ADHD coping methods is that I’ve found the ones have therapists recommended me generally helpful or well-intentioned neutral, while the vast majority of the autism ‘coping methods’ I’ve gotten have ranged from unhelpful to legitimately harmful.

    Second is the medication point; some people don’t want or need medication, and that’s fine. Some others might not have a choice either way. I don’t have as many options there when it comes to ADHD because of anxiety and vice versa, so I might never have the option of having my ADHD mostly or completely treated through medication.

    I mostly feel like it’s up to the individual. I kind of see the term as a net neutral and quite situational. I’ve found reading through the replies here to be quite interesting!