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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I’d greatly appreciate a miraculous panacea for my rheumatoid arthritis, especially one available at turmeric’s price point. I’ve gone through a gamut of biologics that my immune system builds resistance against. Rinvoq’s doing pretty good at taking the edge off currently, but I still flare up if triggered. It’s also running a $6,000 wholesale a month… thank [deity] for insurance and copay assistance.

    Delicious food is great, but alleviating my pain and fatigue during an RA flare? Manna from heaven.

  • You’re minimizing, plain and simple, by accentuating the positive aspects and softening the negative. Generally folk minimizing are in support of the thing they claim to be in opposition of.

    If that’s not your intent, then you really need to work on your communication skills.

    As for being triggered, you’re wrong. I believe you’re projecting. Might the cause be all those down votes your posts are receiving? Sure, they don’t mean much… Other than each vote meaning one person disagrees with you. Some folk can’t handle that well.

  • “I think that instead of it being the end we will simply learn that fully fascist world is actually quite good for business and nothing will change for vast majority of people. I’m not saying it will be good. It will be worse, just not as bad as you think.”

    My understanding of your statement: Fascism is good for business! Sure, it’s bad for some people, but most people won’t even notice it. There’s good things about fascism that you’re not aware of. It’s not all bad!

    Triggered? Hardly. I’m not about to let a comment like the above go untouched for the bullshit it is, however.

    You need to take a walk down to your local library and read some history books.

  • I’ve been a long time Gentoo user. Years. Gotta be over a decade now.

    Back in the early '00s, I tried a few Linux distributions… SUSE, Centos, another one or two that I can’t remember. Each one, I was left at the desktop after a successful install wondering exactly what do I do now.

    Friend recommended Linux From Scratch, so I took a couple months and went through the process, three times. First time, I had no clue what I was doing. Second, I started to get a hang of it. Third, I breezed through, then tried to install X.org and all of its dependencies by hand. Taught me a lesson of the value of a package manager. I did end up installing it successfully, then contemplated a DE, but decided to switch distros.

    Did a bit of research, found Gentoo, and stuck with it. Updating it isn’t a pain as long as it’s done regularly, and I enjoy having the control and just a bit of feeling like I have some clue as to what’s going on. I don’t get that with a distro focusing on precompiled binaries. It’s also given me the experience to compile software from scratch if I need to.